GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: Boris_Crack on February 25, 2012, 12:42:35 am
Fixing the "Invalid Steam ID Ticket" thing for the next update would be a great idea. Because a couple days ago my game decided to fuck up and give me this error message whenever I try to join a game. And I don't feel like messing with my Steam folder just to solve this shit. Well, as long as it doesn't stop me from testing my map, I don't really feel the need to solve this. But I do miss playing the game though.
Steam is responsible for this, The mod dev's has no control over this issue. Messing with your Steam folder will fix it, I did it earlier today, Just delete EVERYTHING from your Steam folder except Steam.exe, Steamapps folder and friends folder, And do a backup of your config folder so you can put it in later on, And everything will be fine.
I've done it too. It is a common fix to a very common problem.
Trust us :)
I've had good luck with Steam ever since I moved over to 7. If you don't feel like messing with your folders create a batch file to do the work for you, enjoy typing all of the directories.
Ok guys. You've convinced me. :-)
Worked like a charm. You guys should specify that steam is gonna re-download every missing files. If people knew that, they wouldn't be affraid to do it. Anyway thanks.
I think Steam should specify this since they broke it
This happened to me a few nights ago. What worked for me was deleting the config folder. That prompts Steam to revalidate your computer.
That's what worked for me, but your mileage may vary.
Idiot of me i uninstalled it last year and i lost all of my games and save files
thanks for saving me this time. :-D
Steam is a pain in the padded ass.