GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Bug Reports & Fixes => Topic started by: Duveru on December 27, 2011, 04:11:01 pm
when we play "license to kill" sometimes when i was shooting an enemy, i saw the hit, i saw the blood texture, but he was still alive. he did'nt see the blood textures on his pc, but i showed him the texture on my pc. the bug was also sometimes when he shooted me (gameplay 10 ours, bug reported: 10-15 times)
we played the game in LAN (1gbit) with different graphic settings, but we could'nt fix this problem. it's not so bad for us, cause we're loving the game, the levels, the music, the gameplay :-) everything fine ^^
maybe you can fix this bug. if you want we can send you any protocols oder system-config from our laptops.
greetz from vienna
The hit prediction is handled locally, so your client assumes whether you could have hit or not and shows blood. Yet the real hit detection is handled by the server. This is inherent in the Source engine. Shouldn't show up that often in LAN, though, since it's a lag based phenomenon.
thanks for reply, didn't know the techniks, cause with ut2004 nolf2 and other games we had no problems.we were playing at lowlevel-graphics but i will check a stronger server-machine, maybe that helps. but now i understand the "bug" :-)
Think of it that way: the hit detection has to be server side or else the client could keep telling the server he shot people when he in fact hasn't. (could be used for cheating) If the blood animation for a simple hit was played after the client has confirmation from the server, it could look more laggy. So Valve decided on that model, because if you're not playing with any damage modifiers, you won't kill anyone with one shot in most of their games, so a false positive blood spraying can go unnoticed in most cases. Oh and there's a short spawn invulnerability in GE: S to prevent spawn camping.