GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Join Us => Topic started by: Ge-Force on July 12, 2007, 02:03:06 pm

Title: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Ge-Force on July 12, 2007, 02:03:06 pm
Hello GoldenEye team.

My name is Rasmus and i come from denmark. Im 15 years old.

I wanna join the team to make level design (mulitiplayer & singleplayer (if that comes)) And i have also a lot of experience by code systems with the code language PHP. If you will se some of my works with PHP and homepages, so follow my links to my my pages:

(If you would see come sourcecode from php, then PM me)
I'm sorry that the pages not in english yet, i come from denmark and the pages are with danish language right now.

Here is my work with maps: // THE MAPS IS BASED ON COUNTER-STRIKE: SOURCE (With 4 maps i have made)
as_office.vmf (Not done, need the house to the other side)
awp_island.vmf (Is done)
sw_tatooine.vmf (Not done, need houses, and a lot of stuff)
cs_dharma_initiative.vmf (Not done, the map is based on the series LOST, and this is the dharma initiative head-base. Need a lot to this map)

I have also made a zombie map, but i dont know where that map is, sorry.
Allmost the lot of the maps are not done, because i dident have the time (school)..but now im not in school, first next year.

I hope i can join the team, i'm one of the biggest fan of James bond! Got all the dvds, posters, figures, games & featues. And know a lot about him.
Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Jeron [SharpSh00tah] on July 12, 2007, 04:33:36 pm
Could you post screenshots of your maps?
Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Ge-Force on July 12, 2007, 06:37:59 pm
I have linked to the vmf maps, so you guys cut see the hole map, so no pic, sorry.
Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Semedi on July 12, 2007, 11:06:56 pm
Some in engine pics would be helpful, I don't have the time now to dig through someones maps and compile them for a look.
Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Jonathan [Spider] on July 13, 2007, 06:51:07 am
screen shots help us out a whole lot, and give us a very very quick idea of where you stand as a mapper. so posting those will be the fastest way for us to give you a crit and let you know your chances of getting on the team. most of us are kinda lazy, and its a bad idea to make a future employer work just to take a look at your stuff.

presentation as a artist, is one of the most important and overlooked things many people, its a good idea to take out some time and make sure that you can get things nice and tidy for us
Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Ge-Force on July 13, 2007, 12:41:53 pm
Here you go, 3 pics per map...i only take two, because it take time..and the others map have i not compiled yet.






Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Jeron [SharpSh00tah] on July 13, 2007, 05:45:05 pm
Well i can see you have potential, Im not i repeat AM NOT a recruter, but, i believe you need a little more experiance, i can tell you do have some brushwork experiance, you actually make rounded corners and everythings not a square, you do have some lighting techniques down pat and u autally use sprites! high 5! Keep mapping and you will get better!! only comes with time
Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Ge-Force on July 13, 2007, 08:26:28 pm
Well, thank you for the good words. I'm right now being teaching about brush.
Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Mark [lodle] on July 13, 2007, 10:42:31 pm
How much php do you know? I might have a little test for you cause i need some one to do me some php (i can do it just dont have the time)
Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Ge-Force on July 14, 2007, 09:00:51 am
I can do a lot of PHP. Insert, update, delete, explorer, date, echo, querys...a lot..give me the tes5t
Title: Re: Level designer & PHP-programmer
Post by: Mark [lodle] on July 14, 2007, 09:16:52 pm
Bumped to trial for php test. Mapper is still unknown at this stage.