GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: Randomacts on December 18, 2010, 10:52:02 pm
Slappers game types.
Now this could work several different ways depending on if you want to just change the models or make a whole new weapon. This could also be a edited version of CTF and Golden man *can't remember the exact name atm but you know what I am talking about*
For the CTF version you would only have slappers and the flags are replaced with FIREY SLAPPERS. That would be prob the easiest way.
Now Golden Man or w/e it is called can work like everyone only has slappers but there is one golden hand *or fiery if you want to use the same model again* The golden/fiery slapper should do as much damage as a knife.
Now for team/FFA death match it would be very simple. Only slappers would be available EXEPT for the fiery slapper pick up which does the same damage as a knife.
What do you yall think of it? If I had any modeling/coding experience I would help but I have none.
On a unrealted note, what size do the avatars need to be? I keep trying to upload a picture but it says it is to big...
To be honest, slappers only are really a joke weapon set. I can't play this more that 2 mins. With LTK it is a little more fun with instant kills.
With most servers, the gamemode runs for the entire map time (average: 15 mins)
I honestly don't think anyone could play this for that long. Sorry.