GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Bug Reports & Fixes => Topic started by: HardcoreMango on December 18, 2010, 06:06:21 am
I played 2 matches today in GunGame and had a player that after level 2 he still had the Golden Gun and in another game he still had the Golden PP7.
Do you remember which server this was on? Some servers have modded versions of GunGame running on them, in which case team GE:S wouldn't be at fault. Some servers have Gold PP7 removed completely, with Laser added instead (kudos E-S). That probably explains it.
It was a server that ran the mode normally as whenever I gained a level it always switched the gun. Although I was able to replicate it ONCE, while I kept the gun in aim mode.
Which map? Maybe he killed someone with an explosion.
Which map? Maybe he killed someone with an explosion.
Note that you lose a level if you're knifed. (You probably already know that; just covering the bases.)
Note that you lose a level if you're knifed. (You probably already know that; just covering the bases.)
I figured that, but he had 0 deaths as well.
As Storm101 stated above, he probably killed with Explosion. This is possible in Runway as are there explosive things near a body armor spot.
As Storm101 stated above, he probably killed with Explosion. This is possible in Runway as are there explosive things near a body armor spot.
It wasn't an explosion.
I ran into a similar phenomenon while playing on the TG server today. I had a grenade, and I killed at least two people with grenades and I didn't level up. I don't think it even registered until I knifed somebody.
Thanks Bashe. Guess I'll roll the script back to the original until E-S looks into this.
EMH, make sure the classname that you check against for grenade kills is npc_grenade not weapon_grenade. See the v4.1 gungame script comments at the top for more info
Does suiciding by way of 'kill' in the console also detract a point in gungame and/or register a death? Just wondering because if it didn't, that might be one way of keeping yourself on the golden gun without racking up a huge death tally.
Can't say I've had any issues at all with Gungame so far in 4.1, and it's just about all I've played (limited servers in Aus).
Does suiciding by way of 'kill' in the console also detract a point in gungame and/or register a death? Just wondering because if it didn't, that might be one way of keeping yourself on the golden gun without racking up a huge death tally.
Can't say I've had any issues at all with Gungame so far in 4.1, and it's just about all I've played (limited servers in Aus).
Never thought of that, I'll try that later tonight when I get in a few games.
Suicides always set you back a level in Gun Game.
I played Gun Game again last night, and was able to keep my gun by staying Aim'd in.
Which server? Was it custom game play? It would read Gun Game (CUSTOM) if it was a modified version. Which weapon?
Which server? Was it custom game play? It would read Gun Game (CUSTOM) if it was a modified version. Which weapon?
WNx Chicago server. Was the RCP90 I believe.
I played Gun Game again last night, and was able to keep my gun by staying Aim'd in.
I'll try it ;D.
Was able to do it again with the shotgun today. If you remained aimd in, you keep the weapon your aimed in on, I haven't done it with the golden gun yet, but if it does that, someone could theoretically win the gun just by staying aimd in, yes?