GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: Proxie on July 28, 2010, 06:26:18 am
Make the catwalks in stacks penetrate everywhere. (trying to shoot ammo crate, tried with Cougar Magnum also)
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Fix Complex bridge door, it wasn't fixed 100% for Beta 4, weapon will block the door from opening much like in B3 the door just doesn't know how to kill the weapon:
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Player clip the Egyptian pillars, could also clip the roof area incase players try and make a 5+ player tower but thats hard to do in a full server.
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( ( these are only possible with 2+ players.
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Thats what the Silo elevator does to me.
More Complex:
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Little bit of Facility:
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Probably due to the servers horrible ticrate.
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These are obviously strong opinions, but I hate a bunch of the new gamemodes, The Living Daylights is boring and very easy to win, just camp in a spot away from players and watch your meter go up. (No offence VC)
KM NOTE: It can be argued that teamplay flag tag is less boring with inclusion of new GUI elements
Capture the Key: Not many people understand the object of this gamemode, I know the devs included a help menu but many people still do not understand how to play.
Thanks to the Weaponsmith most of the weapons in GoldenEye: Source are true to its Mommie on the N64, however the Moonraker Laser needs to be slowed down, I know not all of your shots will be effective due to the invulnerability period but its so easy to spam it...
Golden Gun needs to penetrate glass. I was killed by an AR33 spammer because it penetrates and the AuG doesn't.
KM NOTE: If the glass is flagged "bullet proof" nothing will penetrate but penetrable weapons. By design.
Very minor, but I would like to see different sleeves and hands for the darker colored players (May Day, Samedi, Oddjob.)
Me playing as May Day:
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(Also looks more like a punch than a slice)
Rocket Launcher is horrible at shooting over and between rails, complex and cradle are prime examples.
Sometimes players loose the ability to crouch at random times.
Basically anything with a low ledge/wall/area can be accessible with multiple players stacking on each other.
As OWS server admin/helper, I would like to see weaponset_list support so I can tell the server to read the weapon sets from a file in order, That way weapon sets wont reappear as often.
(Note, I just copied my post from my clans forum and put it here to gain attention.)
Not a bad post. You just need to remember that the stacking of players for issues doesn't really count for that much. Although, you made a few good points in this post. We always love to see stuff like this and I hope you post some more. You seem to be quite the scavenger. Keep it up. :)
I crossed out the items that have been addressed and fixed in v4.1
Different skinned viewmodels are on the "nice to have" list. The amount of work to get it done is enormous and not worth our effort at this point.
New GUI elements for gameplays have DRASTICALLY improved their playability and presentation. We will be showing off more official updates soon as we hammer down the final tests.
Thanks for the post!
Anything involving player stacking isn't a bug, it won't happen in normal gameplay. I'll take a second look at the Complex catwalk though.
Can I recommend all the glass in Complex be made func_detail instead of a func_breakable with infinite health so that ragdolls won't fall through it any longer? .. and maybe the glass texture stretched to fit since the glass refraction mask tiles so awfully.
I totally agree with Mangley. The checkers look bad and ragdolls fallling through looks worse. Should me a quick fix. Heck, I will even offer to do it real quick if someone were to send me the vmf if they don't have time as well as do another full compile.
As OWS server admin/helper, I would like to see weaponset_list support, that way I can tell the server to read the weapon sets from a file in order instead that way weapon sets wont reappear as often.
Here ya go KM, some coding for ya ;)
Would be useful, along with random_loadout could have:
and maybe