GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Questions, Help, & How To's => Topic started by: basshead22 on June 29, 2010, 04:20:11 am
I've followed the instructions to the 't,' and I'm still not seeing the game.
0. I've got a steam account.
1. I've got myself Half-Life 2 and it's working fine on my machine (Source SDK Base is contained within it).
2. I extracted the gesource files from the zip I downloaded to the SteamApps\SourceMods folder.
3. I downloaded and installed the beta 1.1 patch (after moving them to the appropriate folder and witnessing the arduous install process)
4. I restarted steam (made sure it was completely closed), and reopened it.
After all that, GE Source still hasn't appeared in my games list in Steam.
Did I miss or botch a step? Thanks in advance for any feedback.
I only have a question about step 3.
Beta 1.1?
It refers to a patch, not the version of the actual GE Source Beta (which is 4).
Here was my reference link: (
Thanks again for taking a look. Just did a system reboot and still nothing. Just as a side note:
I downloaded the gesource zip and put in the correct file directory as I listed above, but I don't recall seeing or taking steps to actually installing it as a separate game (i.e. install wizard, etc.). I assumed that since it was just a source mod of Half-Life 2 (or whatever), I would just need the gesource files (all ~800MB) in the sourcemods path.
Hope that clarifies things as well, and thanks again.
Hm...after rereading the steps on that link, it seems pretty obvious now that it's an outdated page.
Either way, if anyone can set me rightside-up I'd appreciate the assistance.
Well it seems you did it correctly... Just to verify:
-Have steam
-OWN a legal version of a source game(and have SourceSDK installed).
-Download GE:S Beta4 (Here (
-Install download
-Restart Steam
-Play Game
If you follow those steps, and still nothing... then there is something wrong that odds are we can't fix/help.
Fair enough. When I looked up how to download and install GE Source, most places just say to download it, extract it, and install it. In my opinion these should be very easy steps, but I found no executable file within the GE Source Zip that I downloaded.
I've attached a screenshot of the contents of the zip, as well as the directory to which I extracted it. If the location is incorrect or if there is something missing, please let me know. As I said, I didn't find anything to initialize the actual installation of GE, which is obviously the problem (ignore the bit I said about the 1.1 patch; it was outdated).
Thanks again, I appreciate your help and patience.
Doesn't look like the folders have files in them, try downloading the .exe version Here ( after deleting the entire gesource folder.
The article you followed seems to be part of a defunct and old wiki that isn't used. Unfortunately that is the first result that comes up if you search for 'installing goldeneye source' in Google.
Really don't know what to say. Like proxie said, if you have the bandwidth I'd delete the old gesource folder and redownload using my or proxies link. Then reinstall.
Just as an update:
I removed the RAR folders completely and installed using the EXE file. The install was successful!
I shutdown/restarted Steam, and my system as well. I reopened Steam and GE Source still isn't showing up (FML, btw). I tried 'Adding a non-Steam' game manually by selecting its location, and that didn't work either.
The GE Source game file appears in my start menu (see attached), but whenever I click it, I'm brought to the Store tab in Steam.
Yes, I am just as confused as you are (add to that, frustrated).
Unless anyone's got any insight as to what the problem might be, and why Steam isn't recognizing my installed GE Source (there is a link between the two, as I said, clicking the game does bring me to Steam's Store), I may have to uninstall and reinstall again.
Do you have Source SDK Base 2007 installed?
Just to clarify, is the mod installed to your steam/steamapps/sourcemods/gesource directory? It must be installed there for Steam to recognise it.
For instance, if you specified a different location when you installed that would explain why it isn't showing up in your Steam games list.
If it's taking you to the store page on launch it means you don't own a game using the Source SDK Base and need to purchase one in order to run the mod. That's Steam's default behaviour when you try to launch a game you don't have all the resources for at least, it takes you to the page where you can get what you need.
Thanks again for the replies. After going through all the posts and checking against my most recent course of action, I'm still a bit confused, as I'm certain the version of Half Life 2 I own uses Source SDK base. Jonathan, your explanation makes sense, but again, Half Life 2 runs on my machine just fine.
I'll try uninstalling/reinstalling once more, but if that doesn't work, there isn't much else I can do. It's just a shame since the GoldenEye mod looks so well done and fun to play.
Thanks for all the feedback and responses, folks. Unless anyone else wants to chime in or PM me for assistance, I'd say this topic is done.
Go to the "tools" page in the Library menu and make sure you have "Source SDK Base 2007" on your list, installed, and have opened it at least once. Having just HL2 or any other Source game installed isn't enough, also if you somehow got HL2 through a free deal then you don't get the SDK base.