GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Bug Reports & Fixes => Topic started by: Nozzy06 on February 24, 2010, 05:25:00 pm

Title: A few more bugs/suggestions
Post by: Nozzy06 on February 24, 2010, 05:25:00 pm
Found a few more things I wanted to mention...

1. In Aztec that big opening ceiling thing can be very problematic... if yo are too close to it when it opens you get stuck between it and the floor until you die sometimes.

2. I'm sure its been said but the elevators in Aztec are a pain in the ass. Some don't seem to always work others only let one person go at a time which i guess isn't a bug it's just annoying

3. The ladder near the wooden plank in Aztec is very hard to get onto going from plank to ground level 90% of the time I end up falling off instead of catching the ladder

4. Not a bug but something fun I found out... ge_basement is actually ge_library in disguise... using noclip I discovered the entire upper floor on library was nearly completed and I had a good time exploring with the flashlight

5. I don't know if this is a bug or not but shouldn't the AuG have bullet penetration? I don't remember if it did it GE64.

Title: Re: A few more bugs/suggestions
Post by: Mangley on February 24, 2010, 07:03:38 pm
The AuG did not have penetration.
Title: Re: A few more bugs/suggestions
Post by: Jonathon [SSL] on February 24, 2010, 09:22:59 pm
4. Not a bug but something fun I found out... ge_basement is actually ge_library in disguise... using noclip I discovered the entire upper floor on library was nearly completed and I had a good time exploring with the flashlight

Yeah, ge_basement + ge_stack = ge_library.

Stack is far from finished (base geometry finished, 2 1/2 rooms detailed), I just happened to get Basement done several months before release and began work on Stack, and can't easily cut the top half off while leaving the bottom half. So instead I have walls cutting off the top from the bottom visleaf-wise, so unless you noclip it's like it isn't even there.
Title: Re: A few more bugs/suggestions
Post by: kraid on February 25, 2010, 07:47:11 am
4. Considder it the biggest easter egg we got in GES.