GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => General Goldeneye => Topic started by: Bigwalrus on June 22, 2007, 06:35:54 am
Is there any work on adding single player to the game.
Sorry if this has been posted just joined and i see the forums got switched back a year
single player is a big maybe at this point, its kind of up to how the team feels after multi player is finished.
we might do it, we might have a whole new team do it, might throw it out to the community who knows. but for now getting multi player set to rock your socks is all we are focused on.
hope there is idc how long i have to wait ;D
Yeah I agree with Spider. Plus once they are done all of multi, most of the levels and weapons are completed. Then they just need to make guards with AI and objectives.
If this gets single player, I won't sleep for a week.
If we start single player, we wont sleep for months.
Yeah! Single Player would be cool, but only after Multiplayer is Finished.
I think there would be some major problems to solve, if the SP should fell like the original GE.
There are some aspects of the Game which would be not easy to convert.
e.g. in GE64, when the enemy get hit by your gun he stoped to shoot while he's going through some hurt-Animation.
after a few seconds he starts to shoot again.
But this was an escential Part of the Gameplay in GE. Because on this way you could handle a huge group of enemies without even getting a single hit (if you're skilled enougth).
I never saw this kind of Gameplay in an PC 3D-Shooter.
There are just two other Game-Series, with this "Feature": Perfect Dark (PD:Zero maybe?, I never played it) and Timesplitters 1-3.
And if you wanna get a as close as posible to the Original, there are many other things to add.
For instance: many different Dying-Animations, major changes in the KI and so on.
But it would be also cool if there were some things, different to the N64.
Like the Severnaya Mission. It would be cool if this Snow-Tank drives around in the area.
See this link for further informations: (
And here a Version of this Tank done by me a few jears ago in a 3D-Program.
everything you just said is all coding, we get tecks to create some tight death animations, have lofi code it BAM u got the original GES on the source
That tank is pretty cool, have you made any other stuff?
everything you just said is all coding, we get tecks to create some tight death animations, have lofi code it BAM u got the original GES on the source
Hey i just said it wont be easy, not it would be imposible.
That tank is pretty cool, have you made any other stuff?
yepp. But its not really good. It was just to learn the Handling of the Program.
Today i've found out the Snow-Tank is an BTR-80. I googled for some pics and found some material (and blueprints)
so i will redo my snowtank to make it more like the original BTR-80.
i'll post a pic when it's finished.
Quite nice renders you have there. What 3d program did you use?
i like your work looks good
i'm useing Cinema 4D.
Most people would say, why aren't you useing MAX or Maya.
Its because of the Price (128€ for the Student Version).
And it's not bad at all.
Don't sell yourself short, those are pretty cool ;D
Yea, not too shabby. If you wanted to apply for a trial, we could probably use another prop modeler/texture artist. ;)