GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: scharf05 on January 10, 2010, 05:05:36 pm

Title: Interesting suggestion
Post by: scharf05 on January 10, 2010, 05:05:36 pm
Hello guys, 1st of all I'm a big fan of GE:Source since Alpha, I've just downloaded the new 3.1 and I was astonished. Wonderful Masterpiece !

Well, I don't know if you are planning to do something similar or not, but in Goldeneye 007 for N64 there were rumours about the All Bonds at Multiplayer. They were removed due to copyrights and so on.

Is there any program or idea to make them at GE:Source ? of course, without their names "Connery, Dalton" and Real faces.

Cheers !

Title: Re: Interesting suggestion
Post by: V!NCENT on January 10, 2010, 05:27:26 pm
Hey welcome :)

From the publicly available info that I can gather: all models will be reproduced. All the characters are not priority nr. 1, because there is more focus on a playable game. The model will resemble their original characters, but not so much that it is a totally straight 1:1 copy due to legal issues. So as a fan and not a dev I think that in the end there will be all four bonds in the game, but later on as finnishing touches and they will not be a complete copy of their faces, but a realy good ressemblence, so that it does realy look like the original actors, but aren't ;)

Title: Re: Interesting suggestion
Post by: Kinky on January 10, 2010, 06:12:41 pm
All SIX bond will be playable AT SOME POINT. I dont know when but it will happen.

Best that can be said from the dev standpoint at this time. Hope it helps.
Title: Re: Interesting suggestion
Post by: Mangley on January 10, 2010, 06:17:05 pm
Theoretically aswell there will also be alternate models for the Pierce Brosnan bond model which will be necessary for singleplayer... the black gear he wears for most missions (dam, silo, depot etc) the 'jungle' gear he wears for the Cuban missions (jungle, control, caverns, cradle) and the winter gear he wears for Surface 1 & 2.
Title: Re: Interesting suggestion
Post by: Bissrok on January 10, 2010, 06:44:40 pm
It'd be pretty great if, as an unlockable or something (in the far, far future), you could play through the single player version as one of the other bonds. I mean, you'd almost never get to see your character but... well... I think it'd be neat.
Title: Re: Interesting suggestion
Post by: scharf05 on January 10, 2010, 10:11:01 pm
Thats really great guys, thanks for the info !
Title: Re: Interesting suggestion
Post by: Wake[of]theBunT on January 12, 2010, 04:27:53 am
Multiple outfits is already possible in the character select. That will definitely roll out in some way only where applicable and beneficial, plus as a late priority.

As far as all bonds, kinky is right on. They will all be done, but surely not before we have all other things finalised and the order would be the discretion of the character department.
Title: Re: Interesting suggestion
Post by: Kinky on January 12, 2010, 07:32:03 am
the order would be the discretion of the character department.

Which if i have anything to do with it will start with Dalton.. and you can all just live with that xD
Title: Re: Interesting suggestion
Post by: Josh [SLX] on January 13, 2010, 12:56:29 am
