GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: lahonda_99 on January 02, 2010, 06:37:03 am
I have created a unique front page display for the wiki. The image is comprised of icons for fast travel to the aspects of the GoldenEye: Source game. There are two versions I have created: staggered or centered text. The upper right Bond links to the quick-start guide.
This is a large addition so I have also created an example complete front page to show how all current information that is displayed there may still be found.
In order to work properly the MediaWiki image map extension ( needs to be installed.
Image Map Previews:
I am aware of the white pixels surrounding the interface health and shield bars in the staggering preview, it is a consequence of working with PNG :) I have uploaded the original PDN ( so that the image, along with layers, may be easily edited with Paint.Net. I have already corrected the centered version so there is less white border.
( (
( (
Link to the proposed front page replacement (
I would like to stress that I do not want to come off as being too heavy-handed and that these works have been for fun. The adoption of them are in the hands of the administrators.
Changes to the interface in my sample page:
*removed Third Party link
Rename the page Official Maps to GoldenEye: Source Maps
Delete the Category:Third_Party
Add a third section in Maps titled Unofficial Maps
*Removed the large Latest Download link
It directed to the 3.1 download, which is already linked to from the Downloads page.
*Renamed the Other link to the proper Machinimation (since only fan animations are listed in that category and other fan creations easily fit into the forums).
*Removed Server Install link since it is already in the Tutorials category and linked to from the quick start guide.
Newer page titles have been prefixed with "GoldenEye:_Source_" and that naming scheme should be applied retroactively to the old maps, weapons, characters... links. The image maps I created are using the current links. If the links are changed to reflect a consistent naming scheme (GoldenEye:_Source_) then the image map links will need to be updated. I think that there are only four that I caught without the newer scheme.
- Official_Maps > GoldenEye:_Source_Maps
- Weapons > GoldenEye:_Source_Weapons
- Characters > GoldenEye:_Source_Characters
- Developers > GoldenEye:_Source_Developers
I personally think image maps in this sort of sence is silly. Besides, the wiki is going to get a revamp soon anyway. I just need to get back to my dorm room, reformat my computer, and get on some better internet first.
I'm sory but IMHO this realy, realy sucks :-[
Absolutely NOT
Image Maps are from the 90's and are outdated form of web design. Not to mention they are extremely unconfigurable and are a load of resource wasting mess. I would actually consider flash based design before image maps, at least flash is animatable! (for the record I think flash based design is also a load of shit)
Your design looks very plain and unorganized. In fact, its harder to find what you want in your design then it is on the current wiki and this uses 10x the bandwidth...
I agree with the 3 responses. ImageMaps = fresh, stinky, baby Poop.
However, you guys were kinda harsh on lahonda_99! Hahhahahah
You have to understand that webpages are web... pages. Pages on the web.
A webbrowser is designed around this concept ;) even webapps still feel like pages.
So a design tip: if you are still interested in making this (and note that I am not affiliated with this mod in any way whatsoever | I am not speaking on their behalf) and you want to make it GoldenEye:Source-ish, you should make a mockup that looks like the folder menu in GoldenEye007 (N64 version)!
Anyway: never give up on creativity. Use this criticism as advice on how to improve and not as negative feedback ;)
All wiki's should be coherent, simple and intuitive. I agree the current wiki needs... refreshing. A simple dossier styled colour-scheme would do the trick.
Thank you all for the feedback, that was very fast! I agree that image maps are not easily configurable since the image needs to be edited. However, this was fun to make :)
All good really.
Good flash can be great, good imagemaps can be cool.
Bad flash should be shot, bad imagemaps make baby jesus cry.
I think lahonda has the makings of a cool implementation but we wont use it, coz we like simple usability. Everyone feels differently about what that is to them.