GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: BlazinFlizard on December 29, 2009, 05:37:59 pm
Hi with all x)
Well it would be an awesome idea, if you people would include a vibration support on the 360 wireless / cable gamepad, andi n the PS3 gamepad. It would be totally awesome, and it would give the players a whole new level of experience.
Also it would be great if controller profiles would be included, in that way we wouldn't need to spend time setting up the keys.
Well that's my humild suggestion, I hope you like it ^^
you people
Who you calling "YOU PEOPLE"?
As for the your suggestions, thanks but no thanks.
in that way we wouldn't need to spend time setting up the keys.
Seriously how much time does this actually take, 30 maybe 40 seconds? I wish my mouse vibrated every time I killed a moron with a 360 controller on a computer...
Seriously how much time does this actually take, 30 maybe 40 seconds? I wish my mouse vibrated every time I killed a moron with a 360 controller on a computer...
Yeah it would be awesome if my 360 controller vibrated everytime I killed a moron who thinks that a Goldeneye 64 remake should be play with a mouse and a keyboard ;)
If we would support a controller, it should be the original N64 pad.
Not sure if it's allready usable with source games. (pad adapter)
For the 360 pad i guess it'll work as good/bad as in any other source game.
If you want vibration support for your controller, you should ask valve for it.
Yeah it would be awesome if my 360 controller vibrated everytime I killed a moron who thinks that a Goldeneye 64 remake should be play with a mouse and a keyboard ;)
I wish I could ban all morons who think GoldenEye 64 was played with a 360 controller...
( + ( = LEGIT
P.S. Nice come back, you earn my respect :-D
Thx ;)
But i'm sure in that controller there are not enought buttons for all those keys x)
That's why my controller has 215 buttons and a 2nd unit with 5 buttons called mouse.
Beside that, all the neccessary keys should be mappable to this controller, too.
I mean you'll be pwned by mouse+keybord users anyway, so why bothering about stuff like jumping or crouching. You won't live long enough to use them anyway. :P
It's like playing MarioKart wii with this ugly plastic thing tryin to be a steering wheel.
You'll always get pwned by pad users.
Not really, because if you compare the controller precission of a pro that plays Halo 3, Rainbow Six, and all that FPS crap, and you compare the precission of a pro that plays Counter Strike, Half Life, etc, will be almost the same.
I doubt that.
They always play against ppl who are also using a controller as input device, so their chances are equal.
Beside that, these FPS are designed for the usage of a controller, most PC games are not.
Not really, because if you compare the controller precission of a pro that plays Halo 3, Rainbow Six, and all that FPS crap, and you compare the precission of a pro that plays Counter Strike, Half Life, etc, will be almost the same.
Not true at all.. Mouse movement (and therefore aiming) is very fine and precise, to an experienced FPS player the mouse is second-nature because many of the muscles used in hand-eye co-ordination things like writing, juggling, throwing are also used when you are using the mouse... all of the movement is in the wrist which through evolution has very precise movement abilities..
Controllers however rely mostly on just the thumbs on joysticks for aiming and buttons, thumbs are a much less evolved part of the human body and are only controlled by four small muscles, their purpose is mainly to aid gripping of objects, not for precise co-ordinated movement like the wrist.
Trackball mouse is the way to go :P (
I've been using my touch pad on my laptop as of late because it is a hassle to go get my mouse.
I dont think you guys need to bash each other.
The over-riding reality is valve can controll how compatible mods can be for support for any 3rd party addons, and we have more important things to focus on anways even if we could tend to this issue.
Look to the gamepad communities for workarounds for full support in source games, but we have none to enable a gamepad to work flawlessly with our mod.
Thanks for the interest :)
Most games that are designed to be played with joysticks have auto aiming. Yes, it's true. Auto aiming is a very little known fact of console gameplay. It is just impossible to aim perfectly with a joystick and the game companies know that, so they boost your self esteem (and apparent stats) by fudging with hit detection and gravitating your shots towards the person you are facing.
Also, most console games have grossly oversized hit boxes which is a form of auto aiming and lets you more easily hit the enemy in certain locations (like the head). Fire up Half-Life Model Viewer and check out the hitboxes of TF2 characters if you don't believe me, and while your at is compare them to the hitboxes of GE:S (which are not artificially inflated).
There is absolutely no comparison between console gaming and PC gaming since console gaming has a lot of hidden "features" to make sure their game doesn't suck balls with their shitty controllers.