GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: Sansao on October 08, 2009, 07:31:06 pm
Turbo Mod?
multiplayer mod.
Could you add the turbo mod? that way that made the character run faster, it is very good!
here in Brazil, was widely used in this mode championships goldeneye for nintendo 64 here in Brazil, along with infinite ammo, I would love if they could put this way.
thank you, thank the Brazilian people!
multiplayer mode
haha Turbo mode would be a cool edition. Forgot about that. Wow, kind of forgot how difficult it would be to hit people with that mode on GE:S :) I am sure there could be a server side option to enable it. Although, we will have to wait till KM or somebody else responds since I don't know the code limitations.
then that's what I'm talking about a mod to activate the server side, i would be at the discretion of those who create the server connects this way.
Could be interesting. I think it's a good idea.
As much as I'd find it interesting, I've heard that speed is hard coded into beta 4 and I doubt it would be easy for anyone who is not a dev to make it.
Right, but from what I have gathered, I don't see why KM couldn't make a server command that can be enabled by admins to be at turbo mode speed. As long as we don't have an interval that can be changed, it could work very well. We could have it like paintball mode except it could be like....mp_turbomode 1 or something like that. I am surprised no devs have come by to say anything, especially KM.
I haven't said anything because I hate these things. We set the gameplay speed and certain parameters to be non-editable / modifiable for a reason, and that is to maintain the integrity of our gameplay.
Of course it is a trivial matter to enable "turbo mode" but it is annoying to players looking to play a serious game when the server has turbo mode on 24/7 and thats the only server that you can play on.
I am not a big fan of any of the cheats, big head mode, turbo, blah blah. Paintball mode doesn't affect gameplay so its tolerable.
Comon KM, who wouldn't love to have 3/4 of the servers up during the Beta 4 launch to be 24/7 LTK/paintball/turbo mode on Cradle with a 30 minute match time cycling between Automatics/Random weapon sets?
(This post is a joke in case any crazy server operator thinks I'm serious)
everyone talking about this it would be cool, put the turbo mod, at least to activate as paint ball on radar, which would cost at least put the executable turbo mod? would be at the discretion of those who would create the server, I think a good alternative for the goldeneye source, it is very good fun to have the turbo mod, it helps the character to run faster, think before you launch the beta 4 to put the turbo mod, I think that much about the turbo mod.
please, I'm also a big fan of the GE: S ^ ^
Thank you for your attention
Comon KM, who wouldn't love to have 3/4 of the servers up during the Beta 4 launch to be 24/7 LTK/paintball/turbo mode on Cradle with a 30 minute match time cycling between Automatics/Random weapon sets?
No one sane would.
If I were to ever enable a turbo mode option I would force the server name to contain "THIS SERVER SUCKS" that is how much I don't like this idea.
Thanks for the feedback though, keep it coming, but this is case closed IMO.
yea turbo sounds pretty gay IMHO
Turbo mode only worked on the N64 where, at times, movement could be a bit slow, but only on vast multiplayer maps, like Temple or Egyptian (when you only played with up to four people). Besides that, it wasn't fun at all.
It would be good to have Turbo Mode only if a few servers enabled it.
What about Slow Animation too? :P (I'm kidding)
What about Slow Animation too? :P (I'm kidding)
That would actually be easy lol, just use the host_timescale command and slow it down :p
Sadly, I am the ONLY ONE that has come forth to say that I actually would find it to be a little bit of fun every once in a while. I mean yeah, there is the issue of lots of servers that could POSSIBLY turn on 24/7 turbo mode, but think of how crazy this could actually be. Personally, I understand the problem this could bring, but you have to also think of the attention it might get and diversity of gameplay. Even if you didn't make it SUPER SPEED just having a server side option of 1 that would make it so you can't change the speed to whatever you want would be cool.
To be completely honest, I don't think 3/4 of the server would change over to turbo mode considering that a lot of the servers are owned by beta testers or people that aren't just turbo mode enthusiasts. Maybe make it so that you can't have 24/7 turbo mode? What about making it only capable of having 3 rounds of it at a time or something? I guess though that nobody on the team is interested so this might just be a post in vein......
on the bright side, you might not get sniped across the map as easy because you can escape fire and the person faster....just a thought.
The pace of the game is already so fast its unbelievable how retarded the turbo mode on top of that fast pace would be!
The pace of the game is already so fast its unbelievable how retarded the turbo mode on top of that fast pace would be!
Umm I don't believe the game is THAT fast as of beta 4 actually feels really slow....but whatever, I can see that I am not going to win this option either way with it all stacked against me....
The pace of the game is already so fast its unbelievable how retarded the turbo mode on top of that fast pace would be!
I think that part of why it seems so fast is because the original N64 levels are somewhat small for 6+ players. Take facility and runway for example: map size makes a huge difference in speed. Turbo mod would be silly with more than four players, but for four or less it could be fun. Either way, I'm over it.
That would actually be easy lol, just use the host_timescale command and slow it down :p
That's true... host_timescale could easily be used to create an experience similar to turbo mode aswell.
But I'd hate to see it as a feature option.. it's way too gimmicky and tiresome, just like low gravity servers.