GoldenEye: Source Forums
Editing and Customization => Modding Help => Topic started by: kidx on September 06, 2009, 08:13:41 pm
will golden eye source run source mod and if so where do i get plugins for it also how do i make a mapcycle for my server so it switches automatic.
Could you speak out a little bit clearer? I and other are trying to help you but your question, due to bad grammar and describing words, is not coming out clearly :(
Could you speak out a little bit clearer? I and other are trying to help you but your question, due to bad grammar and describing words, is not coming out clearly :(
"Will GE:S run Sourcemod? And, if so, where do I get plugins for it? Also, how do I make a mapcycle for my server so it switches automatically?"
@CCsaint: What, you couldn't understand that? It wasn't THAT hard...
@kidx: Let me get this straight: Your grammar is pathetic...yet everything else sounds perfectly fine...!???
i did not come here to get a grammar lesson if i wanted it i would go to school. Anyways will source mod work with Golden Eye Source or do i have to use a different plugin we got the map cycle going so don't worry about it please dont hit me up with gay grammar remarks just answer the question please that's why i hate forums cause of side racking bs i am not trying to be rude or anything but grow up you know my point.
i did not come here to get a grammar lesson if i wanted it i would go to school.
If you need help, you need to help us help you. That includes making posts readable (
(By "us" I mean "them", as I don't know servers.)
my post is readable if you cant read it get glasses please and thank you.
you guys down grade and you expect me to take it ok yea idot.
down grade....ok....anyways, I reason I asked for clarity earlier isn't because I didn't understand what your message was was because I thought YOU meant something else. For example, I don't even know what sourcemod I was wondering if that was a typo. For all I know, we have people come through and talk about Source Mods (games) which is why I wanted clarification. For all I know you could be asking me something completely different. No need to get huffy and puffy. I just think a little bit more clarification would help, but I guess all communication opportunities are no shot :(
But now that I know you are talking about something called "sourcemod"...I am unable to help you since I don't know what it is.
Cheer up, emokidx.
VC, you fell for flame bait...
kidx, seriously you need to use punctuation at the very least. Sourcemod does NOT work with GE:S as far as I know.
You can modify the existing mapcycle.txt right in the gesource directory to run whatever map cycle you want. If you don't have one, you might need to download the Full EXE 3.1.4 or ZIP download again.
go here for sourcemod and you will see what i am talking about will that work on a gesource server.
also what plugins for source mod work for golden eye we are looking for a admin plugin we are trying manis admin but nothing but server is running metamod 1.7 and sourcemod 1.2.3 we need some admin commands or maybe it takes time to register hmm dont know.
AFAIK it works but you have to install it first. Basing that only on the fact that I had working B3 servers with SM on them. I suggest disabling funcommands, funvotes, playercommands since some of those commands would crash a server and most of the rest don't work. If you need help installing it maybe check out the link you posted.,2852.0.html
This might help you a little bit but not much really and definitely not with installation.
OK got the link but i am going to try that out.Ill let you know if it works out or not might need to know a place to get some messaging system on our server.