GoldenEye: Source Forums

Editing and Customization => Modding Help => Topic started by: kidx on September 06, 2009, 12:19:31 pm

Title: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 06, 2009, 12:19:31 pm
Ok when we kill each other our deaths get ranked up but our kills stay at 0 any reson for this we are still trying to figure this out also is sourcemod compatible with gesource if not what is compatible.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: killermonkey on September 06, 2009, 01:26:34 pm
What gameplay scenario was active? Were you on each other's teams? Need more information.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 06, 2009, 06:30:42 pm
no we were doing deathmatch and it was messing up regular deathmatch so yea if you know the problem please let me know what going on do we need a config. also how do you connect as an admin we are trying to try out some event scripts and we need to login as admin.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: vforce1 on September 07, 2009, 02:49:03 am
i am having same issue with it , i am running a deathmatch server and when ever i kill someone there death count goes up as normal but i dont get any kill counts it says at 0 you can see for your self bu going to karnage nextgen server
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: VC on September 07, 2009, 05:21:20 pm
Are you certain that you specified the scenario correctly?  Didn't do a silly typo like "deahtmatch"?  Are there any error messages in the console dump related to the loading of the LUA scripts?
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: vforce1 on September 07, 2009, 06:00:56 pm
no, as a matter of fact i dont even know if there is a deathmatch in the server.cfg there is a deathmatch.cfg but theres only 1 line and its dm_fraglimit 30

EDIT: where would u set that scenario? and if its in console whats the commend for it?
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: VC on September 07, 2009, 06:37:37 pm
ge_gameplay $scenarioname (e.g., ge_gameplay yolt) is the cvar that deterimes which scenario is active.

deathmatch.cfg is the script that controls the cvar settings when the deathmatch scenario activates and is availiable so you can specify things like paintball, round times, etc.  deathmatch.lua is the script that handles the scenario rules and behaviors.  It is encoded in public releases and is not to be altered.  However, if you are missing the file or did not specify the name correctly, obviously it will not function.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: vforce1 on September 07, 2009, 06:40:49 pm
the names are set correctly and everything ...and deathmatch is set to 1 and everything ...can u join me in the server and il show u what i mean

edit: i tried ge_gameplay mwgg and the frag score updates as normal but not with deathmatch
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: vforce1 on September 07, 2009, 06:56:21 pm
i tried ge_gameplay mwgg and the frag score updates as normal but not with deathmatch
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: killermonkey on September 07, 2009, 10:14:50 pm
Download this file and put it in your gesource/scripts/gameplay/ folder

This is the deathmatch LUA file. Then do: ge_gameplay deathmatch

If it still doesn't work, I am not sure what to tell you, but this has never been a problem before.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 08, 2009, 07:21:56 am
for now we are running MWGG so its fine just DeathMatch messing up so untill we find a fix we will run MWGG.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: killermonkey on September 08, 2009, 07:01:40 pm
I proposed a fix... how can you find one if you can't edit the code?
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 08, 2009, 08:00:52 pm
its a game mode problem loland tru how can you MWGG works fix but too much killing there with the golden gun you have to be good or better to get it lol anyways if any one finds a fix please let me know.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: VC on September 08, 2009, 08:16:38 pm
Does your ./scripts/gameplay directory contain deathmatch.ctx?  It should be next to mwgg.ctx, since that scenario is functioning.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 08, 2009, 09:34:31 pm
yes it does its weird very weird i wish it would work here is whats in our lua file deathmatch.lua

file: DeathMatch.lua
Author: Scott Loyd

Bring it on!

function GetGameDescription()
   return "GES-DM";

function bCanPlayerRespawn(plyr)
   return true;

also is there suspose to be a deathmatch_ctx.lua plus a deathmatch.ctx cause i dont really know.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: VC on September 08, 2009, 09:37:57 pm
Did you check the console for error messages yet?
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 08, 2009, 09:41:07 pm
hey thats funny there is no errors lol i never see any but ill double check weird
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: VC on September 08, 2009, 09:43:48 pm
If you run a localhost server, LUA failures show in red, they should be easy to find.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: Doc.NO on September 08, 2009, 09:44:32 pm
yes it does its weird very weird i wish it would work here is whats in our lua file deathmatch.lua

file: DeathMatch.lua
Author: Scott Loyd
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 08, 2009, 09:45:58 pm
here is whats the console in game since i pay for it i don't see console lol

Code: [Select]
Both ConVars must be marked FCVAR_REPLICATED for linkage to work (r_VehicleViewDampen)
maxplayers set to 16
Steam config directory: c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\kidxrated\source sdk base 2007\platform\config
Both ConVars must be marked FCVAR_REPLICATED for linkage to work (r_VehicleViewDampen)
Convar ge_teamplay has multiple different change callbacks
Convar ge_roundtime has multiple different change callbacks
Using joystick 'PS2 controller' configuration
JOY_AXIS_X:  unmapped
JOY_AXIS_Y:  mapped to Turn (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Z:  mapped to Look (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_R:  mapped to Forward (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_U:  mapped to Side (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_V:  unmapped
Advanced Joystick settings initialized
Unknown command "sv_backspeed"
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\maps\menu_thumb_cp_badlands
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/..\vgui\icon_con_high
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/../vgui/icon_con_high.vmt
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Connecting to
Connected to

GES-DM (Custom)
Map: ge_caves
Players: 1 / 31
Build: 3740
Server Number: 1

No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: nature/cavewall005a
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/blendrockgravel001a_wvt_patch
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_80_1536_-64
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_80_1536_-64
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_80_1732_-65
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_80_1732_-65
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_16_832_-64
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_16_832_-64
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_12_2256_-245
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_12_2256_-245
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_212_2090_-65
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_212_2090_-65
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-70_2054_-147
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-70_2054_-147
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_89_1986_-251
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_89_1986_-251
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_311_2144_-252
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_311_2144_-252
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_113_2341_-254

Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_113_2341_-254
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_184_1882_-67
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_184_1882_-67
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_118_2414_-63
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_118_2414_-63
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-15_2489_-65
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-15_2489_-65
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-56_1905_-119
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-56_1905_-119
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_537_2375_-255
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_537_2375_-255
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-82_2386_-250
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-82_2386_-250
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-371_2494_-94
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-371_2494_-94
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-274_2169_-252
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-274_2169_-252
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-1057_2362_-238
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-1057_2362_-238
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-665_2483_-160
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-665_2483_-160
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $$bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-680_2081_-310
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_-680_2081_-310
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_318_2766_-256
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_318_2766_-256
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_164_3005_-256
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_164_3005_-256
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_977_2877_-255
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_977_2877_-255
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_527_2830_-256
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_527_2830_-256
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_670_2507_-257
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_670_2507_-257
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_648_3051_-237
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_648_3051_-237
Can't use $bumpmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8.  Implicitly disabling $bumpmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_1004_2613_-256
Can't use $envmap with $seamless_scale for lightmappedgeneric_dx8. Implicitly disabling $envmap: maps/ge_caves/nature/rockwall015a_1004_2613_-256
LDR[K-N]KIDX connected
Using joystick 'PS2 controller' configuration
JOY_AXIS_X:  unmapped
JOY_AXIS_Y:  mapped to Turn (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Z:  mapped to Look (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_R:  mapped to Forward (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_U:  mapped to Side (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_V:  unmapped
Advanced Joystick settings initialized
Redownloading all lightmaps
LDR[K-N]KIDX is now playing as Bond
LDR[K-N]KIDX : ma_admins
Round Ending...
Round Restarting...
Failed to load sound ".svn\ambient\water\water_flow_loop1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository

hopes this helps you guys fix this give us ideas.

Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: Doc.NO on September 08, 2009, 09:49:38 pm
weird your console dump is 3 and your lua script is 1.0 ...
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 08, 2009, 09:55:08 pm
how do i fix it any help weird man i think this is why sourcemod dont work when i have plugins on it.

what if i make it pure the server will that help it says sv_pure=0
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: VC on September 08, 2009, 10:08:54 pm
Pure only affects customized resources replacing Valve materials.  It won't do anything useful here.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 08, 2009, 10:15:21 pm
ok then what should i do you have the link to the right files that are messed so i can replace them i think the files got mnessed up alon the way because my server tells me when i reboot it thats its DeathMatch [Custom] or somthing like that.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: killermonkey on September 09, 2009, 12:56:03 am
Author: Scott Loyd

What fucking version of GE:S are you playing. You SHOULD NOT have a deathmatch.lua in your gameplay folder. You should have the following:

and all the other gameplays.

Delete whatever abortion of a deathmatch script you have in your gameplay folder and replace it with the file i told you to download (below).

I told you exactly what you need to do before. You need to read the posts. Although something tells me you need to just redownload the whole fucking game, refer to the Beta 3_1 mirrors above.

Here it is again:
Download this file and put it in your gesource/scripts/gameplay/ folder

This is the deathmatch LUA file. Then do: ge_gameplay deathmatch
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 09, 2009, 01:37:11 am
now it says none for game mode weird deathmatch is messed up weird did what you said.
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: Mark [lodle] on September 09, 2009, 01:55:08 am
are you sure your running 3.1?
Title: Re: Server Score Frags at 0
Post by: kidx on September 09, 2009, 01:56:31 am
how do i check i can enter my gamne i have client 3.1 i know that.