GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: 9837265498 on July 01, 2009, 11:24:47 pm
The Phoenix Suitcase Gun is not from Goldeneye perse, but you got to admit it added a cool tactic to Nightfire.
Hopefully ya'll agree, cuz it would be PWNING!!!!
Uh, I'm thinking... No?
Come on! live a little... just imagine in Caverns you round a corner an see a Gatling gun! how fun!
you could make it have limited rounds like 100 so it could only kill 1-2 people
or u could make it have a battery that dies after a minute
NPCs don't belong in Goldeneye multiplayer, and won't be there in the future with the possible exception of co-op (in the far future).
^a dev come correct me if this is wrong.
There were turret guns in ge64 singleplayer which were ceiling-mounted and mindlessly fired at Bond until they were destroyed.
the suitcase gun was prevalent in Perfect Dark.
right company, wrong game.
the suitcase gun was prevalent in Perfect Dark.
right company, wrong game.
^ this.
naw, the suitcase gun was also in nightfire, like he said. That shit frustrated me so much when I use to play it with my friends. I think it was called the "sentinel".
I think it would be a great weapon, I just don't think GES would be the right game for it. It could work in future Bond games though. I was brainstorming about the suitcase gun, and was thinking that it could be something you could get after a certain number kill streak, like in Call of Duty when you're able to call in a helicopter.
OMG i how i hate the secondary fire mode of the Laptop-Gun from PD.
Fortunately you can use grenades that take them down easily, as per my experience in CrapFire (really, it SUCKS BALLS and the multiplayer was horribly tilted towards the PDW90 or whatever it was).
I <3 PD``'s Laptop gun.
naw, the suitcase gun was also in nightfire, like he said. That shit frustrated me so much when I use to play it with my friends. I think it was called the "sentinel".
Naw, that was the rocket launcher. The suitcase turret was the Phoenix Ronin.
I say we prank call the person who created this thread :p and ask him if his refrigerator is running! Yea, I know I am a mean mean person :angel:
It'd be cool to see the model of that gun in some new level somewhere. The functions of the gun itself shouldn't be added. Just my $0.02.
I'd love to see the laptop gun make its way into GE:S, I brought this up in another thread and was promply shut down though.
The way I see it is that although this is ment to be a re-creation there is so much more you could do with the game that they couldn't in the past. And PD was really just a unofficial sequel to GE007, Taking things from the game would still be staying true to the style of the original...
although i do think that the addition of characters from PD would deviate too much from the original feel.
"I'd love to see the laptop gun make its way into GE:S, I brought this up in another thread and was promply shut down though."
Learning from the past is difficult.