GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Join Us => Topic started by: GeneralChurch on June 05, 2009, 02:38:43 am

Title: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: GeneralChurch on June 05, 2009, 02:38:43 am
PGR3 and 4 Photos which can be posted at any time, Halo 3 videos as well as Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2.  I have for the past few years grown a custom to creating Machinema and other forms of entertainment based upon video games, all of which can be viewed at my youtube page which I will post here.  I have produced 4 TV shows and know how to call shots when needed, I am great to work with especially when in a group setting.  Input is always welcome.  I have edited and help shoot video and currently run my own business out of my home doing video work for weddings and other assorted parties.

I am a broadcasting major with a minor in film, currently attending school and creating quite a pile of information for me to use later in life.

I have loved Goldeneye since I bought the original game.  I am a die hard Bond fanatic and would do anything to make other people happy with such an excellent product.

Here are some sample videos I have created in console gaming.

Halo: The Trojan War (a project i did for my civ class)

COD4 Sopranos Spoof

Rainbow Six Vegas, Get Blown

Funny Gunz (WATCH IN HQ)

R6 Vegas:  Things We Regret

R6 Vegas:  Grow a Pair of Balls PT1

R6 Vegas:  Grow a Pair of Balls PT2
Video link---

Images from Halo 3

Double Kill

Boom Head Shot

Mario Kart 64 (Block Fort)  Custom Map I Made

Custom Made Map:  Hang 'Em High (Halo 1 Remake)  Made by Me

PGR 3 Custom Images

Mitsubishi Lancer Evo

Enzo Ferrari

F1 Championship

Contact me through PM if you are interested and I will get back to you.

Title: Re: Cinematographer
Post by: Jeron [SharpSh00tah] on June 05, 2009, 02:44:22 am
im sorry but what do you want to make a trailer?
Title: Re: Cinematographer
Post by: GeneralChurch on June 05, 2009, 02:55:13 am
Anything really, official SD, HD game play, cinematic's for pre-game play, loading videos possibly and yeah trailers.  really anything you guys require I can provide.  I just saw you were looking for someone but you guys didn't specify what.
Title: Re: Cinematographer
Post by: Wake[of]theBunT on June 05, 2009, 04:37:17 am
Yes we are looking for videographers, ppl that know how to record scenes from demos and edit in professional manners for publishing to youtube, vimeo etc. We really need ppl who understand machinima using source. Do you have experience in source?

Ill comb over your work a little later and talk to sean who is the other PR rep and a project manager. In the mean time just try answer my question above
Title: Re: Cinematographer
Post by: GeneralChurch on June 05, 2009, 04:50:51 am
Take your time... I just transfered over my hardware from Adobe Premiere Pro to Final Cut Pro.  I have been working with both for years but yeah take your time.  The stiff on youtube are my simple videos, strictly for entertainment so let me know what you say.

I just got into source recently through my cousin on CS Source but i have been making great time of the Command line.  I am reviewing how to control freestyle cameras and am testing it in game.  I just bought FRAPS too.

Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: brex on June 05, 2009, 02:17:54 pm
dont buy fraps use the ingame recorder
host_framerate 120 (whatever framerate you want)
startmovie mov1
render in vdub
thats a quick overview on how to do it if you didnt know already.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: GeneralChurch on June 05, 2009, 02:42:11 pm
I'll take a look, but I do like some external recording apps like GameCam, FRAPS and other utilities.  I'll do what these steps say and then make a judgment on different aspects of the videos.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: killermonkey on June 05, 2009, 03:32:00 pm
Watching your Youtube videos I am not convinced that you have the professional video recording skills we require. It is obvious that you can take a recording from a game and slap some audio on top of it, great.

However, NONE of your videos showed any editing work or real Machinima (telling a story THROUGH a video game, not just recording a video game and dubbing on top of it). I saw very little cohesion between your transitions and no real intro -> punch -> conclusion. The punch being, of course, why people are watching the video in the first place.

If you have more advanced samples, or some work you did with CSS, I would like to see them. As it stands now you are not to the level that we require IMO.

Watch The SSL's trailer he made of our levels and gameplay for Beta 3 and COMPARE this to your work and you will see clearly what I mean: **link below in wakeofthebunt post (,3799.msg40436.html#msg40436)**
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: Jonathon [SSL] on June 05, 2009, 04:10:37 pm
dont buy fraps use the ingame recorder
host_framerate 120 (whatever framerate you want)
startmovie mov1
render in vdub
thats a quick overview on how to do it if you didnt know already.

Do yourself a favor and use fraps (unless you're getting major lag), Source Recorder takes hours to make one shot and I still see no difference in quality whatsoever between the two.

Watch The SSL's trailer he made of our levels and gameplay for Beta 3

BTW, could this be re-uploaded to youtube in HD? I've been requesting this for months now (With no response), the current upload's quality looks like shit on youtube compared to the HD version and quite frankly makes the mod look really unprofessional.

If anyone's interested in reuploading it:
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: Wake[of]theBunT on June 05, 2009, 04:59:51 pm
I will get this done, yes SSL. Sorry man.

Well OP. It seems our head coder Killermonkey needs to see something in source on par with our previous trailers. Check out "official goldeneye source trailer" as a search on youtube
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: The Beatles pwn j00! on June 05, 2009, 05:14:22 pm
...the current upload's quality looks like shit on youtube compared to the HD version...
Hm. Is it just me, or does "HD" on youtube have horrible fps? It's so jittery it's not even worth it. I'd rather have a blocky video with smooth motion, rather than an extremely sharp slide-show.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: Wake[of]theBunT on June 06, 2009, 12:11:40 am

something as a yardstick for quality for our mod. The SSL, its in hd now and looks fully hot!! :D
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: Jonathon [SSL] on June 06, 2009, 02:52:00 am

something as a yardstick for quality for our mod. The SSL, its in hd now and looks fully hot!! :D

Thanks a ton Wake :) I've got big plans for a beta 4 video now that I'm off Windows Movie Maker.

Anywho, I noticed in your pictures that you're good at catching action-type shots with lots of fun motion blur and such. Have you own/tried Garry's Mod? It's a fantastic tool and in many ways is a shortcut to learning the overcomplicated source SDK tools (it's basically the console in GUI form) and allows you to make these types of shots quickly an easily, supporting a ton of post-processing effecs such as DoF, Motion Blur, Bloom, and many more.

You can make fun shots like these in minutes: ( ( (
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: GeneralChurch on June 06, 2009, 04:17:28 am
Watching your Youtube videos I am not convinced that you have the professional video recording skills we require. It is obvious that you can take a recording from a game and slap some audio on top of it, great.

However, NONE of your videos showed any editing work or real Machinima (telling a story THROUGH a video game, not just recording a video game and dubbing on top of it). I saw very little cohesion between your transitions and no real intro -> punch -> conclusion. The punch being, of course, why people are watching the video in the first place.

If you have more advanced samples, or some work you did with CSS, I would like to see them. As it stands now you are not to the level that we require IMO.

Watch The SSL's trailer he made of our levels and gameplay for Beta 3 and COMPARE this to your work and you will see clearly what I mean: **link below in wakeofthebunt post (,3799.msg40436.html#msg40436)**

well of course those are a bunch of my old videos so tell ya what, i will create some trailers for the GE:S and post them in this topic.  just look back and then judge again...ok thanks for criticism.  most of my videos cant be hosted anywhere either since they are either too large or too long... its a bummer.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: GeneralChurch on June 06, 2009, 04:20:05 am
Hm. Is it just me, or does "HD" on youtube have horrible fps? It's so jittery it's not even worth it. I'd rather have a blocky video with smooth motion, rather than an extremely sharp slide-show.

It's your ISP and buffer load time... that's why HD isn't so hip yet because computers and ISP's cannot handle the information rush required by HD.  Give it a couple years and it will dominate the web.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: killermonkey on June 06, 2009, 01:57:22 pm
well of course those are a bunch of my old videos

Then why did you post them as your latest and greatest in your trial application if you knew that they were old and not representative of your current work?

most of my videos cant be hosted anywhere either since they are either too large or too long... its a bummer.

We are not looking for feature length films here, more like a 3 - 5 minute trailer or immersion experience. Something that can easily spread around the internet. Don't bother posting videos that are longer then 10 min for us to watch, then its not a trailer its a movie.

I am still skeptical...
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: CCsaint10 on June 06, 2009, 07:23:11 pm
Generalchurch, I don't agree with your logic of  "it is the isp and your connection" that can't handle it. I have uploaded videos from many sources and seen many videos that just have shitty frame rates because youtube is retarded and doesn't upload it correctly. I sat for 4 days converting it every file format imaginable with the EXACT requirements they wanted for HD and it was still screwed up. Youtube is just crap sometimes. Half the times, it can't even render my video I load up on it.....which is garbage.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: killermonkey on June 06, 2009, 10:00:17 pm
Agreed, your ISP has nothing to do with choppiness of Youtube. Unlike streaming videos, youtube downloads the movie via TCP and plays it back in their flash player. Therefore, your ISP has nothing to do with the actually playback of the movie. Although, to their credit, no other movie providing service does much better with exception to Hulu.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: GeneralChurch on June 07, 2009, 06:01:40 pm
Generalchurch, I don't agree with your logic of  "it is the isp and your connection" that can't handle it. I have uploaded videos from many sources and seen many videos that just have shitty frame rates because youtube is retarded and doesn't upload it correctly. I sat for 4 days converting it every file format imaginable with the EXACT requirements they wanted for HD and it was still screwed up. Youtube is just crap sometimes. Half the times, it can't even render my video I load up on it.....which is garbage.

What are you using to convert the video files and what is your output type?  Make sure all your bit rate and sample rates are consistent to the video being produced or it will look glitchy or laggy and your audio could possibly go out of sync.  i render out in full 720p or 1080i/p in Final Cut and I have tested files on youtube with no glitching or delay...

So let me know what you are using and maybe I could help you out, also what kind of computer are you using and its specs.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: jjmusicnotes on June 07, 2009, 06:34:05 pm
Is this thread off topic?

Just thought I would ask.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: Sean [Baron] on June 07, 2009, 06:46:06 pm
It is. Back on topic, or I will lock the thread and you can re-apply when your ready to show something new.
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: GeneralChurch on June 10, 2009, 11:02:22 pm
i have about 12 hrs of GE Source video right now i will lock it my self and re present you with something new... sevi?
Title: Re: Cinematographer [Images Added]
Post by: Jeron [SharpSh00tah] on June 10, 2009, 11:05:42 pm
savvi* ;)