GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: idm on June 05, 2009, 12:55:16 am

Title: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: idm on June 05, 2009, 12:55:16 am
First of all, a big thanks to the developers of this game. You truly did an awesome job and it brings good memories back to life. The looks, the feel, everything fits. Though I have some small suggestions you'd maybe like to hear. The reason I called this topic the way I did, is because I'll keep updating this topic with suggestions. I like to test things that need improvement and I like to give feedback on those things.


- At the 'find servers tab' at default it will only show 1 server unless you disable "show map blahsomething" I think it's better to have that disabled by default as I already noticed a topic about someone asking where all the servers are. Though most people don't go to forums and will simply uninstall the game (believe me, they exist).

- Enable duck jumping. I know that this was not possible in the original game but nowadays it's a pretty standard thing to have in a fps. It will allow people to jump over railings easier which will increase the movement and overall feeling of the game.

- Gun placement. I recon that you used the original gun placement from the original game, though in the map "cave" for example this has some issues. At one part of the map you'll find every big gun, while on the other you'll only pickup handguns etc. For example the sovjet and the AR are placed practically next to eachother. So far I only really noticed this at the map Cave.

 - "mini games"? I don't know if this was a server setting but when someone had like 10 kills an award list would show up and the scores were reset. The award list is truly awesome but imo it would be much better to just let the game continue until the map is over and show it at the end.

- Grenades. Again this could be a server setting, but when I picked up a case of nades I had like 10 of them. nades are pretty powerful and I easily got 4 kills in under 20 seconds. I think that's a bit overpowered.

This is it so far. I'll be posting more suggestions after playing the game some more. This is truly one of the best projects I've seen this year.
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: VC on June 05, 2009, 01:07:45 am
Valve broke our server list. We're working on it.

Crouch-jump is broken by design, but that aside, it will come back IF recent SDK updates rectify the hitbox issues that lead to its removal.  Motion over-all will be different in 4, anyway.

Weapon placement is at mapper discretion at this point; the mappers have a guide at their fingertips.

Scoreboard shows for rounds and for map at end of play.

Grenades, and all explosives, are completely different in Beta 4.  Hand Grenade is much weaker, Grenade Launcher is a wrecking machine.
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: idm on June 05, 2009, 01:22:02 am
Valve broke our server list. We're working on it.

Crouch-jump is broken by design, but that aside, it will come back IF recent SDK updates rectify the hitbox issues that lead to its removal.  Motion over-all will be different in 4, anyway.

Weapon placement is at mapper discretion at this point; the mappers have a guide at their fingertips.

Scoreboard shows for rounds and for map at end of play.

Grenades, and all explosives, are completely different in Beta 4.  Hand Grenade is much weaker, Grenade Launcher is a wrecking machine.

Great! Hopefully the jump crouch stuff etc. can be fixed.

The rounds were kind of intruding in the fast pace of the game. Imo a scoreboard at the end of the map would be enough. Maybe an idea to make this changeable server side? (if it isn't already ofc)
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: VC on June 05, 2009, 01:37:33 am
Set the round and map times to be the same duration.
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: killermonkey on June 05, 2009, 03:50:06 am
Actually setting the following:

ge_roundtime 0  <-- Disable rounds, go by mp_timelimit only

mp_timelimit 0 <-- Disable map changing, do infinite rounds length by ge_roundtime

If they are both 0 then you have infinite map time and no rounds (you'll NEVER see the round report screen)
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: 117KAMI on June 05, 2009, 04:16:19 am
Viashino Cutthroat -

Maybe there is a more appropriate topic but, about the grenade launcher: are the explosions going to be similar to the hand grenade or, more like the original with the kind of pulsating fire [that you could run through before it burned off your screen if you knew how to time it right... (so key ;D)].
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: killermonkey on June 05, 2009, 12:33:26 pm
What you are referring to we have termed "rolling explosions" and they are FULLY implemented in Beta 4 (not just on the GL)
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: idm on June 05, 2009, 02:27:27 pm
I played again today and I came up with some new suggestions.

1. The golden gun is way to overpowered. On the N64 it's harder to aim so it was still kinda tricky to hit someone. Now, with keyboard + mouse combo it's way too easy. The game mod "the man with the golden gun" works fine though.

2. I don't know if the mappers read this. But some maps are a bit too dark. 'Temple' for example. In the original game it was indeed a pretty dark map, but this is a bit too much. Same goes for 'Archives'. In the original it was not THAT dark (It has to be said though: archives looks amazing!"

3. The difference between the 2 shotguns is pretty small. they both fire like automatic shotguns. Maybe I'm wrong but weren't they much different in the original game?

4. Grenades don't explode after dying. When I throw a grenade and after that I die, the grenade does not explode.

5. the 'phantom' gun is overpowered imo.

6. it would be really cool if there could be a gamemod where you can have 2 of the same weapons like in the original. Don't know if it already exists. Not on the server where I was playing anyway.

7. There is a small bug in the map facility. In the toiletroom yiou can go up in a vent. When u go up on the ladder and move to the left of the vent you will stick out of the map, sort of.

8. I noticed that in maps like "Basement" you have these sides where u can walk on but you can't jump down from them. In the original game this was ofc the same, though I think it will improve gameplay if it would be possible to jump down.

My apologies if I suggested some things that were posted in other topics before or when I'm being Captain Obvious in some cases.

Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: killermonkey on June 05, 2009, 03:42:06 pm
1. GG has been tuned in B4
2. All classic maps are being reworked, disregard. Archives as well.
3. Rebuffed in B4, disregard
4. Not true, if you don't actually THROW the grenade before you die, it will not count. This is by design to prevent nade-after-death-spam.
5. No, it is to GE64 specs and modified for multiplayer
6. You mean Dual-Wield, we are exploring this option in B4 but no guarantees. It would throw off the dynamic drastically...
7. meh, no comment
8. There is nothing to jump down from on Basement, its only one level. You are referring to Library.. more specifically ge_library_classic (emphasis on the classic) its SUPPOSED to be exactly like GE. Again it was reworked for B4 by VC.
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: CCsaint10 on June 16, 2009, 08:21:19 pm
KM, along the grenade topic, after "pulling the pin" and the countdown starts, if you die turning that countdown of holding it, it wont blow up. Shouldn't that still cause the grenade to blow up since it would have blown up in your face if you didn't throw it?
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: killermonkey on June 17, 2009, 12:56:05 am
This is by design to prevent nade-after-death-spam.

A common plague of TFC. People primed nades, ran into fire fight, enemy ran over carcass, BOOM
It's a cheap kill, to say the least, and does not emphasis the skill required to wield grenades. This mod is about SKILL as was the original GE64.
Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: Rodney 1.666 on June 17, 2009, 04:19:55 am
I haven't tried TFC simply due to me not having the patience to master the fiddly little bastards...

Hand Grenade is much weaker, Grenade Launcher is a wrecking machine.

Title: Re: idm's suggestions topic
Post by: CCsaint10 on June 18, 2009, 09:59:48 pm
This is by design to prevent nade-after-death-spam.

A common plague of TFC. People primed nades, ran into fire fight, enemy ran over carcass, BOOM
It's a cheap kill, to say the least, and does not emphasis the skill required to wield grenades. This mod is about SKILL as was the original GE64.

Gotcha. :D Thanks for the clarification.