GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Questions, Help, & How To's => Topic started by: Kratos on April 29, 2009, 01:33:49 am

Title: GES music question
Post by: Kratos on April 29, 2009, 01:33:49 am
I like the soundtrack of GES Source and also the music from the N64 game as well. What i wanted to ask was, can we somehow put the N64 Goldeneye game music and add it to the game by somehow? It just sounds more classic and better. Thanks

here are some songs from the N64 version..

The place has pretty much all game music and other stuff. Love that site.
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: CCsaint10 on April 29, 2009, 01:43:49 am
Well, this has been brought up in previous threads, but you are always welcome to add your own music in place of the ones in game. You just need to find the directories and then change what song you want it to play.

The mod itself can not use those originals due to copyright reasons, which I am sure you understand already. So yeah, if you want to do it though, more power to you. Go for it!

Good luck
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: major on April 29, 2009, 02:16:05 am
library_classic has a problem changing the music for it, but all other maps should change fine.
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: Rodney 1.666 on April 29, 2009, 03:21:34 am
I was considering replacing Subterranean Caverns and Egyptian Temple with their N64 counterparts. Only two tracks that just don't quite feel right...

But yeah, just go into your sound and music folders and do what you want from there.
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: drukqaddik on May 01, 2009, 09:51:25 am
wouldnt it work if you just renamed the new music file to whatever the current one is and copy/replace? just a thought
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: Kratos on May 26, 2009, 07:56:24 pm
Well, this has been brought up in previous threads, but you are always welcome to add your own music in place of the ones in game. You just need to find the directories and then change what song you want it to play.

The mod itself can not use those originals due to copyright reasons, which I am sure you understand already. So yeah, if you want to do it though, more power to you. Go for it!

Good luck

Sorry for reposting the thread if theres another one. I apologize for being an ass.
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: CCsaint10 on May 27, 2009, 05:00:09 am
nah, no problem man. It happens.
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: Sole Signal [Audix] on May 27, 2009, 03:32:03 pm
I was considering replacing Subterranean Caverns and Egyptian Temple with their N64 counterparts. Only two tracks that just don't quite feel right...
Multiplayer maps didn't have a dedicated music track. It shuffled 13 multiplayer only tracks and played them at random. ;)
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: Rodney 1.666 on May 28, 2009, 03:24:42 am
Interesting, 'cause every time I enter either of those maps, their corresponding track is always in the background  ::)...
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: kraid on May 28, 2009, 08:58:49 am
Multiplayer maps didn't have a dedicated music track. It shuffled 13 multiplayer only tracks and played them at random. ;)
This worked for the N64 tracks, but as the GES music suits the certain map it was made for perfectly, it would feel wiered to have something similar in GES.
Imagine the runway track beeing played in egypt or vice verse.

BTW: In GE64 very often we disabled the music and listened to the best-of-bond music CD instead.
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: Sole Signal [Audix] on May 28, 2009, 02:26:40 pm
Interesting, 'cause every time I enter either of those maps, their corresponding track is always in the background  ::)...
Kraid got it; I was referring to the N64 and the absence of a specific "N64 counterpart" for those maps. Not understanding where you're going with the eye roll attitude.

Our lofty goal for GE:S is to have a script that cycles between at least two different dedicated tracks for each map. The SP maps will retain the same music since they had their own specific tracks. MP only maps (like Temple, Library...) may pull from a pool of MP tracks. We shall see.
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: VC on May 28, 2009, 03:35:46 pm
I've suggested an info_jukebox entity for mappers. It'd be like the shadow controller, you just drop it in, add a list of music identifiers, and the triggered soundscapes would reference it to know which song to play.  Of course, since the current music hack relies on external script files... >_>
Title: Re: GES music question
Post by: Rodney 1.666 on May 28, 2009, 06:26:17 pm
I was referring to the N64 and the absence of a specific "N64 counterpart" for those maps.

Yes, and to which I said:

Interesting, 'cause every time I enter either of those maps, their corresponding track is always in the background...

Subterranean Caverns and Egyptian Temple always play their corresponding single player mission track in the background every time those two stages are played in.
In fact, this applies to Facility, Bunker, and Archives as well.
I know that Temple, Complex, Caves, Library, Stacks, and Basement cycle through various tracks.

For the record, not knocking anyone's work. The N64 tracks for those two maps just have a different feel that I like.