GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: Carnage on April 02, 2009, 12:22:09 am
it would be the most faithful thing to GE. have it so you can't jump or glide on certain maps. maybe mouse2 can activate the free aiming? idk just an idea =]
You can remap your keybinds to whatever you want in the game settings. I actually do have aim mode bound to mouse2, and then moved secondary fire to one of my other mouse buttons. It works quite well, and I would recommend it.
jumping is a server option (ge_allowjump 1/0)
I making a custom Classic game mode, just so you can see its classic. gonna throw up 2 little 4 man classic servers. work on it more later tonight.
There up for now... really nothing special, as its already close..I'll tweak some more tommorow.
dm_fraglimit 0
mp_falldamage 0
mp_flashlight 0
ge_allowjump 0
mp_forcerespawn 0
ge_paintball 1
That's all it really is for now.
I making a custom Classic game mode, just so you can see its classic. gonna throw up 2 little 4 man classic servers. work on it later tonight more.
That is what we need, more "Classic" servers. Kudos for that major.
Det. Kimble has a classic 4-man max server up now and then.
Wish he'd leave it up more often, though.
It's a localhost, so it's only online when he is online and feels like playing.
Yes I was aware of that.
Just saying it would be nicer if said computer was on more often. Though I can understand why it wouldn't up too terribly often.
~Edit for typo.
Paintball makes me hurl.
I making a custom Classic game mode, just so you can see its classic. gonna throw up 2 little 4 man classic servers. work on it more later tonight.
There up for now... really nothing special, as its already close..I'll tweak some more tommorow.
dm_fraglimit 0
mp_falldamage 0
mp_flashlight 0
ge_allowjump 0
mp_forcerespawn 0
ge_paintball 1
That's all it really is for now.
No shade when I say this, but Paintball mode (on the original and in this mod) makes me hurl.
make sure you play with a bucket then
make sure you play with a bucket then
make sure you play with a bucket then
*fallz under the keyboard*