GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Bug Reports & Fixes => Topic started by: steven_m64 on March 02, 2009, 07:29:56 pm
i have noticed a good bit of sticky / jerky movement and it scales depending on how high your ping is at the time (ie if your playing on a listenserver or lan you will not see this effect unless you enable fake lag)
you can see the effect by just playing in a server with less then optimal ping and running around you will tend to get stuck/have slightly jerky movement in some areas such as smaller vents or if you run close to objects in the map or walls.
This can be seen often randomly in most source games but to this degree only way its this bad is if the server and client bounding/movement boxes are not exactly the same size(or getting out of sync) i have seen this before in a mod i worked on and it was a pretty simple fix in code.
the jerkiness is caused due to client-server prediction errors so you will get that jerky movement that just drives me and some other users f'ing crazy. ;P
I (VC) know, I (VC) keep telling them (KM) and they (KM) keep ignoring me (VC) in the form of WHAAAA I (KM) dunt wanna fix it valve code is messy and theres lots of it and go away!
Which means unless you submit that simple fix, it simply won't be fixed.
its simple to fix IF you have the code to work on, if you can get me access i am sure i can fix it without too much effort. ;D
the game should play a good bit smoother if it was fixed, a lot less distracting also.
that and no sense in having poor server owners having clients think there getting lag on their server witch most noobs think thats what it is when it happens.
I know this won't help much, but I noticed if you jump once or twice, it will usually stop.
yes because the act of jumping changes your bounding box temporary bringing the client-server bounding boxes in sync..
You would need to go through the application process, and I don't think KM wants any more cooks in the kitchen. But if you can describe the repair process, which shouldn't be too troubling...
Not only is jumping not an excuse, but it isn't even supposed to be enabled universally, though this issue is certainly a good reason for no one to turn jumping off.
yeah and without jumping how can you get a good close view of the hidden growroom on archives ;)
also impossible to get into the attic on archives via the crates with jumping disabled.
What I would like is a special Jump Zone be added to our mapper's arsenels. When jumping is off, it would still function if you are in the jump zone, which would wrap things like crates that are specifically intended to be mantled. That would allow a server to disable jump and still run non-classic maps to their proper potential.
could also have ladders that mappers place and set disabled only for use when jumping is off.
as for hints to fixing the problem its a bit hard to talk someone through fixing a problem when you have no idea how much of the base code was edited.
but some things to check are:
- code where SetCollisionBounds is used within player classes
- the GetPlayerMaxs and GetPlayerMins functions for problems.
- any changes the mod has made to gamemovement.cpp
short of that running the game through the VS debugger and placing breakpoints and seeing where things are becoming out of sync.
Magic ladders make people float, and ladders are really buggy. They irritate me more than this location desync thing because I've never taken falling damage from the desync. I'd much rather just have a trigger and let people mantle things than have to touch a specific spot to levitate.
Thank you for your information, now to await SUPER KM's arrival. Assuming he wasn't eaten by yeti.
Magic ladders?
you mean the new/HL2 style ladders?
you can actually change to the old style/hl1 ladders with a very small bit of work in code fyi.
I went through our code and here are the results:
1. SetCollisionBounds is called ONCE in the player code, the same as in HL2MP, when the player ducks to make sure their hitboxes are correct
2. GetPlayerMax/Min is correct
3. No modifications were made to gamemovement.cpp that would warrant sticking...
Please PM/IM/Post whatever fix your mod did, it shouldn't matter what OUR code is like, because clearly this is an SDK / setup problem
"because clearly this is an SDK / setup problem"
i dont know about that, from what i remember it was not introduced until after we changed a good bit of code (due to the fact we added leaning and the ability to go prone)
Seeing how GE:S doesn't have Leaning or Prone I do not see how we could have introduced it. I haven't changed ANY bounding box, collision box, whatever code aside from the team mate thing, but it was present BEFORE that was put into the code. This has been an issue since we started using the OB engine as far as I remember.
It was in Beta1 as well.
This sticking problem occurs in HL2DM but not nearly as often, maybe it has soemthing to do with certain textures of the maps? I often feel certain maps I can move much faster and easier than others I call them "fast maps"
Lol well jumping is still enabled and in fact its more like gliding now like a Pteromyini (flying squirrel). Might as well give bond a set of wings. Why have prone when you can fly. I'm hearing an R Kelly song comming on...
btw i'm taking the fact you have just increased jumping height and disabled crouch jump is a 'quick fix' for the hitboxes getting out of sync whilst crouch jumping ?