GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Join Us => Topic started by: engineer on February 19, 2009, 05:55:30 am

Title: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: engineer on February 19, 2009, 05:55:30 am
I have worked on the following projects:

The Trenches (HL1) (SFX) (My first project!)
Heart of Evil: Napalm Edition (HL1) (Jack of all trades, sans programming)
Ham and Jam (HL2) (Sound effects, Gameplay Philosophy/Theory, Weapons Adviser)
Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat (HL2) (SFX, Weapons Adviser)
Fistful of Frags (HL2) (Contributed artwork, assisted mod's audio engineer with a couple of things)
World War II Online (Retail/Subscription based MMO Combat Simulator) (Intern work, Sound Effects, Beta Testing)

I've been customising mods since 2003, when I first downloaded Goldwave and began to learn how to edit sound effects. Today I work on 4 projects and yet I never totally run out of steam, now do I feel overwhelmed by any of these projects despite the number I am involved in. I work at my own pace, sometimes I make a lot of sounds at once, sometimes I hit dry spells, but I ensure that they all sound good before I commit anything to a project.

I'm laid back, and I try to be easy to work with.

I also enjoy eating ice cream, and a nice pair of slacks.

E: Oh fie. Email is , AIM is engineerdod
E2: I am also the creator of the Phong textures from this thread:,3088.0.html
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: Sean [Baron] on February 19, 2009, 07:26:40 am
Ohh, WWII Online, I use to play that back in the day. Just wish the game was 'better', and not all buggy. Anyways:

Samples of your work?
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: engineer on February 19, 2009, 07:29:08 am

Sound overdubs done to showcase WIP sounds and an actual Source engine demo of sound effects.
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: Sean [Baron] on February 19, 2009, 07:34:24 am
Sounds nice and crisp. I'll leave this up to our Sound Designers to make a decision.

Just so you know, and I'm sure you do, our sound effects are not meant to sound like the guns real counter parts. This is to keep the original goldeneye feel. Just thought I'd mention that since it seems you are more about realism with your sounds.
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: engineer on February 19, 2009, 07:56:39 am
I'm quite aware of that. Goldeneye's sounds are too epic to monkey with the fundamentals.
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: Wake[of]theBunT on February 19, 2009, 08:15:39 am
I'm cool to see what hes got for environmental sounds in our mod, some things former trialers for sfx just dissappeared while doing ; so it'd be nice to have fully custom set of environment stuff. Those other areas you listed in the title we are well covered with expertise wise but it could be handy i suppose.

So its a niched yes from me, for environmental sfx. See what bass and co. thinks.

Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: engineer on February 19, 2009, 08:41:07 am
Such as?
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: keefy on February 19, 2009, 08:56:59 am
Some maps use default HL2 sounds one that sticks in my mind is Archives, it has a train noise that always makes me think I am playing HL2.
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: Wake[of]theBunT on February 19, 2009, 10:07:25 am
Such as?

Sort of as keefy says. We have the map based background sounds all throughout the revisioned ones. Mostly we find our own sfx and tweak them for a uniqueness or some mappers use HL2 sounds.

We need Fans, engines, creaking, atmospherics and such, and whatever mappers ask for in upcoming maps! If we had someone to handle creating them when the requests come up then it could be even more unique level creation for the mod not reliant on HL2 stock.

The rest of sfx will be and has been covered by basstronix and myself to be honest.
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: engineer on February 19, 2009, 10:11:28 am
I think I can bring the Klobb's gunshot closer to the N64, all the while giving it's own distinct chattering sound.
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: Sean [Baron] on February 19, 2009, 10:27:04 am
I played with you a few times in-game didn't I engineer?
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: engineer on February 19, 2009, 10:42:18 am
Yes, I go by [INSDEV]engineer.
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: Mark [lodle] on February 19, 2009, 10:51:46 am
I think I can bring the Klobb's gunshot closer to the N64, all the while giving it's own distinct chattering sound.
Theres nothing stopping you and it would help you case though we prob wont use it.
Title: Re: Sound Effects, Model Compiling, Gameplay Philosophy, Practical Problem Solver
Post by: Sean [Baron] on February 19, 2009, 07:58:32 pm
//Removed Posts -- No need to have development matters in a application.

As I said above, it is up to Audix and Basstronix on whether they would like someone to take over the sound effects.

Personally I would like for it to happen. We need someone on the team that can develop ambient sounds, and also be skilled at doing other things, like weapon sounds, which some of ours need re-touching.

I will bump him to trial member, and if you could please give him something to work on Audix or Basstronix, and after that the decision is yours.

Engineer, please post a topic in the 'Trial Members' board, and they will get you something to work on. Good Luck :)