GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Bug Reports & Fixes => Topic started by: exbagboy on February 16, 2009, 03:26:06 am
The game starts fine, when I load a map or join a server it shuts down and I get a Engine Error message "Model models/props_c17/light_floodlight02_off.mdl not found and models/error.mdl couldn't be lodaded
I reainstalled GE:S and enverythings is in the right location but every time I start a game it gives me a message.
I have all the right Source SDK and Glodeneye source shows up in steam.
I also have Windows 7 32 bit, but every other source game plays fine.
Have you updated all your HL2 files? props_c17 is HL2 resource.