GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Bug Reports & Fixes => Fixed\Known Bugs => Topic started by: [Rhymenoceros] on February 16, 2009, 01:58:02 am

Title: [USER PROBLEM] Ermmmm...
Post by: [Rhymenoceros] on February 16, 2009, 01:58:02 am
I don't think this one is my GPU, but I don't know much...

Err... My AR33 has little boxes when it fires. >___<
And any time any damage is done by a weapon, there are moar liney thingies.
Where guns hit, nades/mines splodey, knives hit, little liney thingies grow and change colors.

Sorry for vid quality, and my terrible playing in it. (Hey, I hit 1 FPS in part of it)

The only place where you MIGHT see the liney thingies in the videos is near the end of the second one where I have an AR33.

Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: X-tra on February 16, 2009, 02:01:06 am
... What the hell?
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: Sergeant Kelly on February 16, 2009, 02:25:32 am
I think this might be graphics related too.
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: keefy on February 16, 2009, 02:38:32 am
You could try this
 in launch properties add -autoconfig
Those should revert all settings to default
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: [Rhymenoceros] on February 16, 2009, 02:43:16 am
yeah I've tried autoconfig

This is weird...
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: keefy on February 16, 2009, 03:05:34 am
Your vids are messed up they play too fast.
Have a look here se if anything looks out of place.  Its a registry key stres most of your graphics settings such as resolution, the command may be in there. Back up before you start messign witht he registry though.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Source\c:\program files\steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\gesource\Settings
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: [Rhymenoceros] on February 16, 2009, 03:37:56 am
My vids play too fast because GE:S is running at 4 FPS.
HyperCam2 speeds it up for more FPS I think.
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: keefy on February 16, 2009, 03:47:21 am
 it shoud not matter how Many FPS you had while recording as long as you play back the recordign at the same FPS you recorded at.
When I record movie clips the action i see is 10-15FPS ingame but it is being captured at 30FPS so when played back at 30FPS it looks normal speed.
Somewherre along the line you changed the FPS of the video casuing it to play fast. 
Its best to record a demo of you playing, play it back then capture the demo.
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: Sp1nn3y on February 16, 2009, 04:05:27 am
ive had this ever sense i set up an autoconfig and dx to 70..... ive ignored it.. but the fire in egyptian are all like that.. and all of that shit you have up too..  but my shit doesnt tweak out on the gfx like yours does.... THAT shits wierd..

i get 15-60 fps..... what you running in your autoconfig..?
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: keefy on February 16, 2009, 04:23:03 am
This is the culprit
r_dopixelvisibility 0
But you cannot set it to zero, everytime i tried it didnt take.
it is to do with lights and the ar33 has big light flash when fired.
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: Sp1nn3y on February 16, 2009, 04:37:44 am
This is the culprit
r_dopixelvisibility 0
But you cannot set it to zero, everytime i tried it didnt take.
it is to do with lights and the ar33 has big light flash when fired.

>.> does it auto set that with dx 70 or something? i dont have that n MY autoexec?
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: keefy on February 16, 2009, 06:25:33 am
Try using dx 80 or 81  I thinkt hats the only way beasue DX7 is not properly supported in TF2 engine.
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: keefy on February 16, 2009, 10:32:55 am
OK I have figured out a way of not gettign the big squares on the AR33 but you will still see them on other things such as lights and most other things that emit light. It basically dissables the entire muzzle flash which you could not see anyway.

Go here C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\gesource\particles
find a file called particles_manifest.txt open it and find the entry "file"   "particles/goldeneye_muzzle_flashes.pcf"  and simply comment it out by adding 2 // (slashes) so it looks like this (

If you want to go back to normal just remove the  // slashes.

Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: kraid on February 16, 2009, 11:00:04 am
Damn what GFX-Card are you running at?
If you're still using a DX7/DX8 card i suggest you to go and buy a new one with DX9 support.
But i guess it's not only your out dated GFX-Card.
I mean i could run Source Games just fine on my old rig too without problems.
The only game i had some trouble with was FarCry coz of unsuported shadders, the graphic looked kinda weired and it did things like grass decals instead of the muzzle flash, but with patch 1.3 everything worked just fine (except of the framerate on high settings).

Anyway, you should stop reporting things which are related to your graphic.
What's Next? Someone who tries to run the mod at his C64?

Seriously, be sure to meet the OB minimum system requirements and have up-to-date drivers before complaining about anything related to graphic.
Title: Re: [BUG?] Ermmmm...
Post by: [Rhymenoceros] on February 17, 2009, 12:56:07 am
Damn what GFX-Card are you running at?
If you're still using a DX7/DX8 card i suggest you to go and buy a new one with DX9 support.
But i guess it's not only your out dated GFX-Card.
I mean i could run Source Games just fine on my old rig too without problems.
The only game i had some trouble with was FarCry coz of unsuported shadders, the graphic looked kinda weired and it did things like grass decals instead of the muzzle flash, but with patch 1.3 everything worked just fine (except of the framerate on high settings).

Anyway, you should stop reporting things which are related to your graphic.
What's Next? Someone who tries to run the mod at his C64?

Seriously, be sure to meet the OB minimum system requirements and have up-to-date drivers before complaining about anything related to graphic.
My "outdated" rig SHOULD be able to pwn ob games.
Title: Re: [USER PROBLEM] Ermmmm...
Post by: kraid on February 17, 2009, 11:20:47 am
But it's not able to pwn them as it seems.
So it's not as good as you think it is, or something is broken.
Have you tried other games using other engines?