GoldenEye: Source Forums
Debriefing => Impressions & Feedback => Topic started by: Zippy on February 09, 2009, 10:49:40 am
Let me start by saying that... The new Beta 3 is awesome. When I saw the new interface and screens and all that, my jaw nearly dropped. And thank you for adding some of my achievement icons, I find it badass that my name appears in the credits.
Anyway, I was just wondering, will there be a version of GE:S where you're able to hold two guns at once?
Next release probably. The devs are working on it. BTW, which achievements did you give the icon to?
Dualies were removed from this release due to the fact we only had 2 guns done, PP7 and Silenced PP7. They were removed due to lack of polish and weren't quite up to our standards of quality we wanted to release. They will be released when we know that most if not all of the bugs are known and removed as well as all the weapons in game to help prevent balance issues.
Dualies were removed from this release due to the fact we only had 2 guns done, PP7 and Silenced PP7. They were removed due to lack of polish and weren't quite up to our standards of quality we wanted to release. They will be released when we know that most if not all of the bugs are known and removed as well as all the weapons in game to help prevent balance issues.
Yeah, it's bad enough people complain about this not being done.. when.. *cough* it's still Beta 3... Don't think ya'll need any "RAWR SPAM DUAL WIELD SPAM" at the moment lol.
I hope it requires the use of one fire button when it's released.
Btw, wasn't there only a few weapons that could be dual-wielded in the original GoldenEye 007? There was the pistols and a few sub-machine guns... can't remember the rest.
Yea, not all guns could be duals. You could get some more with cheat codes as well.
I don't think we've decided how many guns will be dualable.
Every gun could be dual-wielded, provided that you had unlocked the cheat for it. And when I say all guns, I mean really every single one with the exception of mines. You could even dual-wield rocket launchers...
We are currently discussing Dual Weilding behind closed doors. :)
I was just saying how it was on GE007. I personally don't like the idea of dual-wielding rocket launchers or grenade launchers... ;)
i think the duals should have 2 fire buttons. left and right.
I was just saying how it was on GE007. I personally don't like the idea of dual-wielding rocket launchers or grenade launchers... ;)
That was be madness. :o
i think the duals should have 2 fire buttons. left and right.
I disagree. In the original GoldenEye: 007 it was the Z button.
That was be madness. :o
yes but with two fire buttons you can decide which weapon to fire controlling the reload times
When you go for duals, all you care about is putting more metal in the air and making a hell of a big mess. If you want to keep tabs on your ammo and use it strategically, then use only one weapon.
i just dont want to be stuck reloading both weapons at the same time
How did I know somebody would say that?
i just dont want to be stuck reloading both weapons at the same time
It takes less than a second to reload. If you ever die within time slap yourself.
How did I know somebody would say that?
When someones says that something is madness and then someone doesn't follow by saying that is is Sparta, this happens:
If we did two firing buttons then all you guys would be stuck using shift again for aim mode :P.
We'll decided on what we want to do as far as firing goes for duals. My initial thought would be one button.
If we did two firing buttons then all you guys would be stuck using shift again for aim mode :P.
We'll decided on what we want to do as far as firing goes for duals. My initial thought would be one button.
i agree... hitting one button just simplifies the whole thing and leaves out the extra buttons we'd be needing to bind/rebind
If we did two firing buttons then all you guys would be stuck using shift again for aim mode :P.
We'll decided on what we want to do as far as firing goes for duals. My initial thought would be one button.
Yeah, one button is definitely the way to go.
Btw, PPK you a 4chan fan?
You don't have to be from 4chan to find motivational posters.
You don't have to be from 4chan to find motivational posters.
You do if you're from the /b/ boards.
Zardoz says (de)motivators are older than the interbutts. murk loar and nevar forget rule 1.
Btw, PPK you a 4chan fan?
I know what it is, but I never set foot there. I found it on Google. Just typed "divide by zero" and this showed up. Easy don't you think?
Next release probably. The devs are working on it. BTW, which achievements did you give the icon to?
I gave them the icons for "Dutch Rudder", "A View To A Kill", "Silent Assassin", and "Klobbering Time". You'll find all that at the bottom of the credits when you click "GE:S Credits" at the main menu.
Yeah, I never expected the "use-two-hands" guns to be double wielded. Strange concept really, because if you could double wield those guns, it would be more N64 GoldenEye like, but I haven't seen a person that could easily hold up two rocket launchers with both arms.
Yeah, I never expected the "use-two-hands" guns to be double wielded. Strange concept really, because if you could double wield those guns, it would be more N64 GoldenEye like, but I haven't seen a person that could easily hold up two rocket launchers with both arms.
I guess you can't hold two RL and fire them; it is physically impossible, but as you are James Bond, you can do anything.
James Bond is the only guy I know who can reload an FN P90 and a pump shotgun in .8 seconds.
You don't have to be from 4chan to find motivational posters.
Dual wielding just compicates it more, keep it simple I say.
How the feck do you dual wield in the mP of GE64 ?
I can't wait to see how ridiculous the player models will look with a giant KF7 in each hand, swinging it around and shooting with almost no recoil like there's not tomorrow.
You know, I never thought of that. How would players look holding weapons, that they normally hold with 2 hands?
You know, I never thought of that. How would players look holding weapons, that they normally hold with 2 hands?
Ever play perfect dark?
as long as they can shoot em who cares what they look like..
*fires two pump shotguns repeatedly*
He's probably referring to the animations in-game. Well to answer that, we would need to make custom animations so that the 3rd person model is holding two guns, instead of how it would be right now, which would be holding one (even though the player has dual weapons). Which as you can imagine would cause quite a few problems with you not knowing what your enemy is fighting with.
So, to answer that. Yes we are making custom animations, and duals won't be avaibable for a little while because of this.
Will there be a complete animation for reloading two weapons, something in the likes of the Elites from CS? Only in third person, that is.
Sorry to bump such an old thread, but... I noticed that dual wield support was not available as of the final release. Is this functionality still in the pipeline? Will it be like GE64 where you can hold a rocket launcher in one hand and a KF7 in the other? Wishful thinking, I know... but that would be awesome.
Thanks guys! This mod is freakin awesome.
Server: DJZeratul's Communist Club
v4.1 isn't the final release by a long shot.
You will see dual wielding in GE:S. Whether its implementation is a limited selection for MP, or a full all weapon system. Or possibly no dual wielding in MP, just SP, its all still to be decided and tested. Rest assure, what ever choice that is decided, all ways will be tested and options weighed thoroughly.
Sweet! Thanks for the prompt response. I will look forward to whatever options may become available.
I would suggest maybe a server flag... I know a lot of my friends wouldn't mind playing MP with dual wield, because we just play for fun. But I know it would cause balance issues on tournament servers or servers with a lot of whiners.
Oh man, hahaha. Dual Wielding... I'd almost forgotten about that!
Did Goldeneye 64 do anything special when dual wielding, like reduce the overall damage of both guns to balance out having that additional firepower? Or did it just give you two guns and double the damage potential? I can't recall any more...
Two guns yes, double damage potential, not really. The invulnerability system is still in effect. However, since chump guards have little/no invuln time, duals mowed their asses down.
There is a mechanic behind the triggers, when you hold FIRE, the second gun fires shortly after the first gun starts firing.
For what I remember, The original MP did not have dual-wield.
Dual Phantoms! :D (only for the sake of nostalgia at frigate)
I'm with the dual wielding, of course... But personally I would have huge problems if it would include 2 firing buttons, because I already had to remap keys. Ever since I started to paly FPS games on the PC, I used Mouse2 to jump, and Space to aim. I can't recall why, but I think that used to be default in some older games, so I got used to it, and remapped every time in new games where Mouse2 was aiming button. In CoD, I was surprised and disappointed by that feature. You can fire each gun separately, but only when you have default control settings, Mouse1 fires left gun, Mouse2 fires right gun. On my settings, where are just these two buttons exchanged (Mouse2 and Space button), Space fires the right gun so many times I got confused which gun I'm firing. They've should make a script that recognizes if player changes controls, to map the gun controlling based on key positions. Or at least, in Control settings menu, separated dual wielding key mapping. Think about it. ;)
Personally i think that the only weapons that should be duel wielded are:
Pistols like PP7 and Moonraker Laser
The main issue with dualies (from what I understand) is just that we don't have the correct model source files to effectively flip the weapon models/animations. I spent a few months with that as one of my main tasks, attempting to write scripts to flip animations and meshes properly and possibly to make multiple arm meshes possible.
Unfortunately, since all our content is so old and the only way to get the sources is through reverse-engineering our compiled models, I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon.
However, the future may hold bigger and better things...
Personally i think that the only weapons that should be duel wielded are:
Pistols like PP7 and Moonraker Laser
Dual moonrakers would be insane. In fact, I'm not sure I'd WANT to see that in effect... You can completely dominate with just one as it is now :P
Dual moonrakers would be insane. In fact, I'm not sure I'd WANT to see that in effect... You can completely dominate with just one as it is now :P
I sure as hell don't want to see Beta 4 dual moonrakers. One was way too much overpowered. Two is hell. :P
Y'all need some VC Moonrakers in the house. Start houding KM to put AI aside for an hour and get my idea implemented.