GoldenEye: Source Forums
Global Communications => Development Media => Topic started by: Mark [lodle] on November 28, 2007, 03:17:49 pm
Well ok i lied about the last blog thing and all and im sorry. I have been keeping an eye on the forums but not much (that i can see) has been going on. Well i was bored tonight with a bit of free time so i started mucking around with the ges code i have atm. And this is what i did. I made the spawn cam rotate when you spawn like ge n64.
Sorry for youtube, stage 6 was down.
P.s. Rudd won the aus election. Down with AWA's!
We love you Lodle.
;D I like!
theres a second version ill post tomorrow.
haha needed to "get a fix" of some ges coding
cool stuff dude.
Mmmm love it!
Looking good. "Inactive Developer\Contributor" nothing stopping you doing the second part mate ;)
Thats cool. :D
There's also nothing stopping him from charging you for the code. 8)
There's also nothing stopping him from charging you for the code. 8)
heh, except for the fact that we don't have any money, and this is a free project :P.
really cool. with some adjustments its gonna be badass
great for single player but can suck for multi if the player is stuck there while people are shooting all around him. That is unless the player is not really spawned in until "in the eyes", in that case he is not visible to the others till then.
Maybe spawn protection can work?
Im sure i could code something up like that. :P
The spin camera was only used for initial spawn -- so what we need is basically UT's "Touranment" mode, that required all players who were in the server at mapload to signal Ready before the game started, until a time limit (10 or 15 seconds I think) elapsed. That'd be good because it would give time for slow loaders to get in and fast loaders like me can fiddle with name and model selection. Then, all the players who are ready when the setup timer elpases or all tag ready would get the spin camera on the initial spawn.
They have the same kind of thing in CS:S, load time for 10-15 seconds where anything scored doesn't count and then the round restarts, but it's different from what ViaC is talking about because it's not everyone who's just connected to the server.
Round 0 - Load round where nothing matters and lasts 10-15 seconds
Round 1 - Everyone fully loaded and on the map spawns
This means that you don't need to wait for everyone who's just connected to the server to be ready for the round to start.
The spin camera was only used for initial spawn -- so what we need is basically UT's "Touranment" mode, that required all players who were in the server at mapload to signal Ready before the game started, until a time limit (10 or 15 seconds I think) elapsed. That'd be good because it would give time for slow loaders to get in and fast loaders like me can fiddle with name and model selection. Then, all the players who are ready when the setup timer elpases or all tag ready would get the spin camera on the initial spawn.
We could also have a vote for settings so that it'd be just like old times where we would decide as a group what to play. License to kill, facility, etc.
why dont we have a tf2 style 30 sec counter waiting for players then as soon as thats over animation then spawn.
That's pretty much the same thing, except the UT method would start the game as soon as everyone tagged in. A standardised timer would be fine too; less coding that way.
A way to rock-the-vote to change the scenario would be nice.
admin and vote methods arnt normally made by the game coders due to the fact that every one wants x added and they need to spend time on the game not extras. But im happy to provide help if any one wants to make a pluggin (metamod).
Few things to note with this:
In Single player, it's slow, like the current speed. But in multiplayer, the spin is a lot faster.
To go into the "head", fade the character out to the player, if possible. During this time, make him invincible and invisible to other players?