GoldenEye: Source Forums

Debriefing => Join Us => Topic started by: Ge-Force on September 13, 2007, 09:26:34 pm

Title: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: Ge-Force on September 13, 2007, 09:26:34 pm
Hey all..

Before i posted the Beta of the website i maded..but that was just for fun.

Now its real.

I wanna join the team so, here is my trail: (

There is still ONE issue in firefox. The navbar has not the correct height. And the logo is not finish..But i can not figure out how it should looks like.

- Ge-F.

Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: killermonkey on September 13, 2007, 09:52:20 pm
try the "height" property in CSS (use pixels eg. 120px)
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: Konrad Beerbaum on September 13, 2007, 10:52:17 pm
I posted in your other thread, but I'll post here in case you didn't see it.  We are currently working out the status of our website developer.  Once we figure out the current situation, we will let you know if we have a position available.
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: Wake[of]theBunT on September 13, 2007, 11:42:04 pm
GE-Force, our official word is no on bringing you in.

Im sorry we had this confusing debate. Janus has been our web dev for a decent period of time and has done outstandingly so far. He is working hard behind the scenes and not every one of us is aware of his dedication, but its there and he hasnt fell short yet enough to warrant being kicked - just wouldnt be fair on him given his track record of producing good WIP's and taking crits and making our site closer to a reality finally. (the irony here is if we had a site the team page would have saved us all this hassle :P )

In regards to your website, i like it and i suspect it is indeed as you say (not even close to your top draw work), so no offence was meant on your skills by the team if this has been a tone you read. Stick around and support the mod further, we'd love to have you enjoy the community more! We'll be sure to look you up for trial phase IF we need a web guy in the future perhaps. Otherwise, enjoy the community and dont stop being a user-creator when you get the urge  ;)
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: Jonathan [Spider] on September 14, 2007, 03:41:54 am
if you can get your 2d and user interface skills up that would also be useful to us, so just because you know the technical side of web design, doesnt mean that your artistic skills can only go to one place in game development

keep cracking away, and maybe you can come back as a HUD designer, or 2d designer for some other stuff the team would need.

thanks for applying bud
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: Ge-Force on September 14, 2007, 12:09:33 pm
try the "height" property in CSS (use pixels eg. 120px)

Check the CSS file, there is already height.
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: MrSentual on September 16, 2007, 12:40:45 am
Website are updateing!!
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: Doc.NO on September 16, 2007, 02:47:35 am (

IMO, this site is better than the actual official one. Thats good.
There is a direct link to the download page. IMO, thats good.
You bet on Christmas 2007 for the next release. :) :) :) Hope so.

- Check the source: where is the DTD ?
- Which standart are you using (im lost: < br /> elements = xhtml, "marquee" and "align" attribute = html)?? ?? Xhtml 1.1 strict ( Html 4.01 (
- The horizontal menu is the same than the vertical one! Why a double menu?
- You are still using table for the page-setting, whereas full css page-setting is much better (and easy to set up), IMO, with the modern browsers.
- The page is created in 0.000000000003 seconds. OK! But why this is written as big as more important information such as News?
- If I disable JavaScript, I cant use the main menu...  :( :( :(  : Javascript **must** be used for non critical access!
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: nlf vikingclan on December 27, 2007, 01:38:51 am
yup doesn't work anymore, btw this janus wheres his web I would love to see it  ;D
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: Wake[of]theBunT on December 28, 2007, 05:36:44 am
GE:S webmasters fail

Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: Konrad Beerbaum on December 28, 2007, 07:13:14 am
yup doesn't work anymore, btw this janus wheres his web I would love to see it  ;D

I believe it has been completed and is about to be uploaded.   
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: Janus on December 28, 2007, 06:24:15 pm
GE:S webmasters fail


Not this one ;)
Title: Re: Trail: GoldenEye Source website
Post by: mbsurfer on December 28, 2007, 08:00:33 pm
Not this one ;)

You'd be the first webmaster not to.  *ehem* cloppy