Debriefing > Impressions & Feedback

a minor suggestion about grenade launcher, as well as an EXPLOSIONS idea

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So I noticed the grenade launcher rotates the clip before shooting the first shot, maybe let the first shot go and rotate afterwards? also empty grenade chamber after shot has been fired.

I think there should be an option to color code explosions based on friendly or not.
Yours and enemies explosions are normal so you know they hurt.
Ally explosions that don't hurt when "friendly fire" is disabled could be colored blue?? maybe? Might get confusing with team colors.....maybe make:
Player explosion color normal and the rest team color based.
On M16, red and orange hurt, blue doesn't.
On Janus, blue and orange hurt, red doesn't.

In gold 64 the soldiers flew like superman when a remote mine exploded in the feets
I confess that I miss this funny animations.. ;D
but the GL is realy like the gold 64, the "drum" always turned before the shot.

But something like this in reload would be cool

Oh hell no... Don't ask for hands LOL. I must admit I tend to avoid using the Grenade Launcher since the addition of rotation before shot, it's difficult to actually hit anything now and more often than not it's just pot luck... But then I suppose like anything, it's just practice. I love the reload sound though, please don't ever change that :)

lol Clint Eastwood is covered of reason.. Changing the form of reload the weapons kill all the charm classic of GoldenEye..   :)


--- Quote from: Massive_Atom on July 18, 2017, 03:13:46 am ---also empty grenade chamber after shot has been fired.

--- End quote ---

The casing for the grenades remain in the chamber after being fired, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense to have it appear empty immediately after firing, as they wouldn't be ejected upon firing. The chambers do, however, empty out accordingly if you reload with less than a full magazine worth of ammo.


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