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Make Source Displacement in 3ds Max

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There now is a video and a working beta of the new Wall Worm Displacement Tool. Kinky has been asking about it... so hopefully he gets some good use.

The tool is still in beta... and does have limitations. But it's now ready for some kinds of terrains.

Eventually the idea is to be able to just pick an arbitrary set of meshes and export them as displacements (rather than the current method of designing the displacements from these displacement objects)... but unfortunately, it isn't quite a simple as I expected. I will probably have to hit some books/docs to figure that out.

That is so awesome, tools like this could really help cut production time in terrain based maps.

Good stuff as ever!

Jonathon [SSL]:
Oh man, Kinky is going to love you for this, he's got big plans for sculpting some complex terrain.

btw, I finally switched over to 3DS Max (XSI 6 is just too ancient) and your exporter is absolutely amazing.

im getting ready to explode yo..


--- Quote from: Mangley on March 30, 2011, 03:34:23 pm ---That is so awesome... Good stuff as ever!

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Jonathon [SSL] on March 30, 2011, 09:49:18 pm ---btw, I finally switched over to 3DS Max (XSI 6 is just too ancient) and your exporter is absolutely amazing.

--- End quote ---

Hopefully you feel comfortable in 3ds... it's hard to go from one environment to another. Whenever I've opened Maya, Blender or XSI... I might as well be trying to write War & Peace in Morse Code using cotton balls...

--- Quote from: Kinky on March 30, 2011, 10:33:14 pm ---im getting ready to explode yo..

--- End quote ---
You may want to get that on video... it might be worth some money to your family in the future...


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