Editing and Customization > Resources, Tools, Tips & Workarounds

Source Shader Editor Plugin

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I just found this on moddb today:

Looks like Valve keeps the promise to improve the SDK tools.

Looks interesting, but I don't get it how you can do like a gaussian blur shader, an animation shader (like an animated cloud texture on a sphere with an Earth texture) or more complex shaders with that. Well, I just had a quick look at the site you linked, but if these are possible drag-and-drop clicking your shaders looks very comfortable.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
That would look SICK on runway!

Really nice work! Now we just need a WYSIWYG map editor!

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:

--- Quote from: Luchador on July 19, 2011, 02:34:51 pm ---Really nice work! Now we just need a WYSIWYG map editor!

--- End quote ---



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