Debriefing > General Goldeneye

Anyone got the lafayette / frigate bsp file?

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I'm looking for the bsp file for ge_lafayette (or ge_frigate) from GE:S version 4.x (or if the map has been updated in GE:S 5.0 then I want to check it out). I searched on the forum but couldn't find a download link. I suppose I can look in my backups for the map but I hope someone can share it here.

Uploading the fixed version from 4.1 to my Mediafire... Bare with me...

Thanks! I will check it out later.

Hmm, that's not the version I was looking for. If I remember things correctly Luchador had a version of frigate. That's probably the one I'm looking for.

I found an older version on my external harddrive and it seems like it's the same version (pretty much). So nevermind, I was wrong. I was looking for the computer panel props and I thought they looked nicer but apparently they don't look so good.


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