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March 2008 SDK Base-Orange Box or 1.1h?


I been playin the 1.1h for a few months a few months ago. just reinstalled steam and noticed the march 08 sdk orage update which i can't seem to download install.

update states:  "Just download the Orange Box SDK Base, and you’ll be ready to go.  Type steam://install/218 in your browser address bar and after the 10mb download, you'll be all set. "

I installed the orange box but couldn't get :          steam://install/218              to go to a webpage or prompt an install when i url it.       

Konrad Beerbaum:
That link was posted a while ago, it may not be valid anymore.  Either way, the orange box stuff is for the version of the mod we are working on now, which hasn't been released yet. 

For 1.1h, you don't need the orange box sdk.  Once we are ready to release the new version, we will look into that, but for now its a moot point. 


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