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GES Update 8/31/07
Yeh very nicely well done i really like this one a lot has almost a completely different feel than the other maps but i guess it's because i like dark maps with glows and dull lights ;D
* Dexee stamps the thread.
This wins.
Also, the Rick Astley video you have linked isn't bad at all... kinda miss hearin' that on the radio sometimes.
Amazing, just amazing! I especially like the widened corridores and lighting. The only thing that needs improved, as far as I can see, is the texturing for the metal on the controls and a tone down on the orange for the goldeneye paneling. That aside, GREAT WORK! I can't wait to play this :D
I can't wait to play this! Might have to fire up the GoldenEye DVD just because of this.
:: kinda miss hearin' that on the radio sometimes.
Yeah... a bunch of dudes went into Insergency one night and started playing that through the voiice chat. Improved the fun factor of the game by 2.5x.
If nothing else, it's amazing you could get that sound out of a skinny carrot-top'd fruit.
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