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Author Topic: [TIP] How to keep cmd prompt open when using drag&drop method of compiling.  (Read 11512 times)

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Konrad Beerbaum

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When using studiomdl to compile, there are 2 ways of doing it, the pain in the ass cmd prompt way, and dragging and dropping the .qc file onto a shortcut to studiomdl.exe.  The downside of the drag and drop is that the window doesn't stay open so you can see any errors.  Until now that is.

Create a shortcut to the studiomdl.exe file located in SteamApps\user name\sourcesdk\bin\

Right click on the shortcut, and go to properties.

In the "Target" field, add in C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /K in front of the rest of the target.

Click OK.

So for example, mine looks like this: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /K J:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\sourcesdk\bin\studiomdl.exe

Now the dos window will stay open after compiling so you can see the results. 
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 07:17:05 am by Sean [Baron] »
Konrad Beerbaum: Environment Artist
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