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Xbox 360 Half-Life 2 Mods?


I know this topic has been brought up before, But I've received some interesting information via E-mail in regards to this particular topic.

Microsoft's XNA is a program designed to help create custom models/content for the Xbox 360. The Softimage program, is of course a program designed to allow you to create models for Half-Life 2.

I believe that there is some kind of connection between these two items, I don't see why Softimage would be promoting Microsoft's product unless there was a direct relationship.

In my humble opinion, there will be, once the orange box comes out, a way to play Half-Life 2 mods, on your xbox 360. Of course, they may have to be specifically created for the xbox 360, but it's a huge step forward.

Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
Haha, have people playing a remake of rare's game on it's new parent company's system

Thor will strike us down

Mark [lodle]:
Not unless you are going to spend the time to convert c++ to c#. Mike from valve said that there is no way to play source mods on the 360.


--- Quote from: Loafie, Hero of Dreams on August 24, 2007, 07:09:20 pm ---Haha, have people playing a remake of rare's game on it's new parent company's system
--- End quote ---

I applaud you for being able to encapsulate such awesome stupidity, into a brief description. I don't think that I could have even been able to conceive the notion of such an occurance to type it. That very idea would always have escaped me. Now I can gaze in wonder, drop my jaw, and shake my head.'s an infinitely reapeating loop of God. The world is officially coming to an end soon.......hope you had fun.

Ryan [Saiz]:
XSI is just a modeler, I can use max with the xna game studio if i wanted. There is no connection. It is just saying some of the uses it is being used as today.


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