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[Gameplay] I Am Invincible!

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Nobody screws with Boris Grishenko! Boris is invincible, and it’s him versus everyone else. MI6 players gain points by damaging Boris. Boris gains a point per kill. Boris’s slaps one-shot kill and grant a temporary speed boost.

For more information, including a download link, go to https://euphonic.dev/goldeneye-source/i-am-invincible/

This sounds like a lot of fun. Are there any restrictions on Boris, such as a limitation to only using low-tier weapons?

Boris gets all of the weapons when he spawns and infinite ammo. Him getting a full aresenal keeps the game balanced, as he's going to be swarmed with enemies for pretty much the entire round.

Maybe it would be a good idea to limit his weaponary relative to the playercount.
Let's say one weapon for every 2 enemies.
Maybe even give him weapons that are not limited to the current weapon set.

So if there are only 1-2 enemies, he'll get a pistol or Klobb, 3-4 Enemies grant him a light automatic weapon like zmg, 5-6 enemies give him a heavier automatic like phantom or a shotgun, 7-8 enemies he'll get a rifle, 9-10 enemies ASG-here we go, 11-12 enemies genades/mines, 13-14 enemies RCP, 15+ Genade/Rocket Launcher.

I'll definitely make balance changes as needed based on community feedback. Right now, I'm letting everyone get a chance to play it and get a feel for what does and doesn't work.


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