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Wine: Bad EXE

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You might not have all the dependencies you need for whatever reason, odd that it didn't automatically install them.

What's the output of this command?

--- Code: ---
ldd /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/
--- End code ---

Hi Soupcan,

I've broken the back of the issue.

After realising my AWS instance was accidentally costing me more money than I intended for this test (I slipped into on-demand territory and set some stupid parameters), I splatted my server and started fresh.

Upon starting fresh, things seems to be working just fine, which is a bit odd.

I am using that library file you advised me on, haven't tried my new setup without it.

Now I'm just working on configuring my server, and trying to get it to appear in the master server browser.  ;D

Thanks so much for your time and effort to help me out, I really appreciate it.


Nice to hear you got it working! I just tested and you shouldn't need that DLL I sent you.

For the master server list, you -shouldn't- need to do anything. Just make sure you've unchecked "Show map list" in the server browser.


It still doesn't show up in the master server browser for some reason, even though I've restarted a few times. sv_lan 0 set my in my config file.

 - Server is connectable using console commands
 - RCON is up, listening and can be logged into
 - Server appears if you go to add favourites by IP -> Find servers at this address
 - Server cannot be added to my favourites

Could it be something to do with my region setting in server.cfg? I saw some forum posts around the web that indicate server browser in source games are only configured to check servers with a region that matches their own or something daft like that.

Server address is

The server is behind an AWS firewall, server can instigate any outbound connection it likes to anywhere on any protocol (currently), however I've only allowed inbounc TCP & UDP traffic on 27015. Should there be another port for server browser?

--- Code: ---
ubuntu@ip-172-31-25-33:/servers/geserver/gesource/cfg$ cat Valve.rc
exec aliases.cfg
exec autoexec.cfg
exec server.cfg

datacachesize 128

// One time loaded server settings
// Disabling 'wait' prevents many exploitive scripts.

sv_allow_wait_command 0

// This is the delay between rounds (seconds)
ge_rounddelay 12

// 20 minute match time with 4 minute rounds
mp_timelimit 20
ge_roundtime 240

// This is the delay between match end and map change
mp_chattime 15

// Range is in game units (1 unit is approximately 1 inch)
ge_radar_range 1800

// Global velocity multiplier, values can range from 0.5 to 2.0
// If you set this to >= 1.2 "Turbo" will appear in the gameplay name
// If you set this to <= 0.8 "Slow" will appear in the gameplay name
ge_velocity 1.0

// Set this to control the number of bots in your server.
// The server will fill up with bots until this number of players
// are currently playing. (Use 0 to disable and allow ge_bot commands)
ge_bot_threshold 0

// Number of open slots to leave for incoming players
ge_bot_openslots 1

// Ai Difficulty [0-9]
ge_bot_difficulty 6

// Commands for SourceTV
tv_enable 0
tv_maxclients 15
tv_name "GE:S v5.0 SourceTV"

sv_master_legacy_mode 0

host_flush_threshold 12


--- End code ---


--- Code: ---
ubuntu@ip-172-31-25-33:/servers/geserver/gesource/cfg$ cat server.cfg
// *********** SERVER & PASSWORD INFO ***************
// Change it to 1 if you want a LAN only Server
// NOTE: You must do "changelevel [levelname]" AFTER starting the server for
// a lan-only server to begin broadcasting
sv_lan 0

// Change the number to the region you live in!
// 0=US East coast, 1=US West coast, 2= South America, 3=Europe, 4=Asia, 5=Australia, 6=Middle East, 7=Africa and 255=world
sv_region 0

// Give your server a name here
hostname "Count from 1 to Potato"

// Rcon password is used to give your server orders by using console, so think of a good password
rcon_password "<removed>"

// If you want your server to be private, fill in a password and delete the // in front of sv_password
sv_password "<removed>"

// All talk allows clients to talk to each other via voice even if they are dead,
// spectating, or on the other team
sv_alltalk 1

// *********** GOLDENEYE: SOURCE SPECIFIC *********

// Radar will show on clients if enabled. Some gameplay scenarios
// force the radar to be visible
ge_allowradar 1
ge_radar_showenemyteam 1

// Paintball mode (for fun!)
ge_paintball 1

// Teamplay can be overriden by the current gameplay, but
// this sets our "desired" teamplay state
ge_teamplay 0


// Allow the use of a flashlight (discouraged for GE:S)
mp_flashlight 0

// Disable footstep sounds by uncommenting below
// mp_footsteps 0

// 1 enables falling damage, 0 disables it
mp_falldamage 0

// Map/match time, in minutes
mp_timelimit 6

// Round time, in seconds
ge_roundtime 300

// 1 = Forces the engine to use light physics for  better server preformance
sv_turbophysics 0

// Server round, map, and delay times are defined in Valve.rc
// If you want these times to be reset every map change copy them
// to this file instead (Valve.rc is only executed once on server start)

// **********************************************************
// *********** Load Specific Server Type Settings ***********
// **********************************************************

// Uncomment ONE server type to load. This takes care of all settings, map cycles, and gameplay types

//-- Normal server, recommended settings
exec server_normal.cfg

//-- N64 Classic Mode ( DM|YOLT|MWGG|LD|LTK, NO Jump )
//   **Use with -maxplayers 4
//exec server_n64_classic.cfg

//-- For server with > 24 players
//exec server_large.cfg

//-- For servers with < 10 players
//exec server_small.cfg

//-- Vanilla DM only w/ auto teamplay
//   **Should be used in conjunction with one of the sizes above
//exec server_dm_only.cfg

//-- Advanced game modes (LALD, LD, CTK) only
//   **Should be used in conjunction with one of the sizes above
//exec server_adv_gamemode.cfg

//-- Teamplay only! (No MWGG or LALD)
//   **Should be used in conjunction with one of the sizes above
//exec server_teamplay.cfg

//-- Tournament Use Only (Tournament DM)
//   **Should be used ALONE only!
//exec server_tournament.cfg

// Load network settings
exec server_netvalues

// *********** server logging ***********
log on
sv_logbans 0
sv_logecho 0
sv_logfile 1
sv_log_onefile 0

// *********** DOWNLOAD ***********

// Allow clients to download files
sv_allowdownload 1

// Allow clients to upload customizations files
sv_allowupload 1

// VOICE enabled, if you want VOICE disabled then change 1 to 0
sv_voiceenable 1

// *********** CHEATS ***********

// Enables the use of cheats.  ex. "impulse 101" "noclip"
sv_cheats 0

// disable clients' ability to pause the server
sv_pausable 0

--- End code ---



You may want to change your RCON/server password after uploading your whole server.cfg...  :P

You don't need to open any additional ports for the master server to work. Region -shouldn't- matter either (plus you have it set to US east which is where I'm at and I can't see it either). The master server has always been a bit finicky, see if it works in a bit.

You can try running the "heartbeat" command on the server to see if that works.


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