Editing and Customization > Community Releases
ge_CarringtonInstitute [Beta3]
This is a multiplayer map that I started working on last week. It's probably going to be released for both Goldeneye: Source and Perfect Dark: Source.
Update for BETA 3:
Have a version of my map ported from the Beta 1.1 version. Updates may come soon, I plan to merge it with changes made by Kraid, maybe even add the corridors and warehouses from the original once classes are done.
^^ Seems Dead^^^
Had the chance to test it... Hum sounds great!
Good basics :) And like the glasses...
Wow! Lookin' good!
Question: Will this be the full Carrington Institute?
That looks pretty awesome. I can't wait to play it!
--- Quote from: Lággy on August 23, 2007, 07:10:02 am ---Wow! Lookin' good!
Question: Will this be the full Carrington Institute?
--- End quote ---
Hopefully. Right now it has the first and second floors (minus the training rooms, they don't add multiplayer gameplay.) complete with working elevators. I plan to map the garage and the Helipad area, then map the warehouse part. Also, in it's current state, it has no weapon or player spawns.
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