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Several people have expressed frustration with map sizes downloading really slow through their ISP. We can't fix your ISP provider but maybe a direct link to the files can help. Just click and download then drop into your gesource/maps folder!



I'm going to sound like a cunt, but so be it. Forget my name is in green for a second, as I do not speak on behalf of the beta testing team but on my own personal behalf and no one pushed me to write this post but myself. No one but me is involved in this post. I do not represent the team.

The problem is not our ISP's, the problem is the fact that all your maps are well over 100 megabytes large.
That is exceedingly large for Source maps. Most huge Garry's Mod RP maps are about 120 Megabytes, and they are all laggy for a reason.
Your Duke Nukem map and music that comes along with it is over 800 Megabytes, despite the fact that this map is smaller than Basement classic in scale, and has textures that are 32 pixels by 32 in size

800 Megabytes is 100 more Megabytes than the entirety of the 2000 video game Deus Ex. It is twice the size of Half-Life 1. It is the same size as a Playstation 1 RPG disc. It is absolutely unreasonable.

My ISP is perfectly fine, I download at a speed of 12 Megabytes per second. The problem does not lie within our ISPs, it lies within your absolutely ridiculous overuse of assets that shouldn't be there in the first place, boosting the filesize of your maps to insane proportions that are extremely hard to handle by the Source engine, not to mention that most of, if not all of those maps are all unfit or unoptimized for multiplayer play. Logging into your server when large maps are on literally crashes the game.

I sincerely hope this post opens your eyes. (It probably won't, since you've got over 5000 hours in Source SDK and you do not seem to have any intentions of getting better at using the software in a fashion that makes sense.)

You can hate me all you want, bash me to all your friends, send backlash my way, it doesn't matter.
Just leave the team out of this, they had nothing to do with it. I made this post alone

Yes, I'd have to agree with namajnaG on this.  You can bash me too.

I have to agree that those map file sizes seem extremely excessive. An 800 MB map file probably doesn't just crash the game... it crashes some computers. Can they be significantly trimmed to more acceptable standards without compromising the core of what the map is intended to represent?

Looking at my maps folder I have 10 maps that have been downloaded over the last year that are in the 100 to 240 MB range, and frankly I'm not a fan of any of them. Larger file sizes don't correlate to a fun map.

I mostly play stock maps with a few of the better Perfect Dark / custom maps (like the Mario ones) mixed in, so I don't really have a dog in the fight - custom maps aren't generally my thing, and if the game was all pure stock maps, I think I'd be fine with it. But I do play on servers that sometimes vote to play a series of custom maps, which is why I have them in my Source folder at all, and I certainly would not want to be downloading and storing files of an 800-MB size just for GoldenEye: Source. That's a noticeable percentage of my SSD.

Sam Colt:
What's with an 1138 server? Has the clan survived in a different form?


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