Debriefing > General Goldeneye
GoldenEye 007 Music Revisted
L. Spiro:
Perfect Dark set FLAC:
L. Spiro
L. Spiro:
Jet Force Gemini, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, and Star Fox 64 WAV packs are up. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Jet Force Gemini Star Fox 64 Killer Instinct Gold
L. Spiro
L. Spiro:
After speaking with the composers and the guy at Rare who did their MIDI implementation, as well as updating my synthesizer to a new firmware that has fixed a bug I reported to Yamaha, this Perfect Dark restoration represents the pinnacle of my work. It is completely accurate in terms of panning, balance, etc., and will scratch the itches of all people who are looking for the ultimate in a faithful crisp clear clean restoration.
GoldenEye 007 is already being recorded using all the same settings and accuracy.
YouTube videos will be available within the week, at which point I will bump again.
L. Spiro
--- Quote from: L. Spiro on August 04, 2019, 09:31:35 pm ---After speaking with the composers and the guy at Rare who did their MIDI implementation, as well as updating my synthesizer to a new firmware that has fixed a bug I reported to Yamaha, this Perfect Dark restoration represents the pinnacle of my work. It is completely accurate in terms of panning, balance, etc., and will scratch the itches of all people who are looking for the ultimate in a faithful crisp clear clean restoration.
GoldenEye 007 is already being recorded using all the same settings and accuracy.
YouTube videos will be available within the week, at which point I will bump again.
L. Spiro
--- End quote ---
I can't wait! Keep up the good work for us fans!
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