Debriefing > General Goldeneye

GoldenEye 007 Music Revisted

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L. Spiro:
As a result of this conversation ( I will redo GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark one last time.

I had previously resigned myself to the fact that there are no practical solutions to the X-pan vs. arc-pan volume issues, but was aware that in special cases, such as those in Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, where all samples of all instruments have a centered pan, it is possible to get the correct results with my "expression" adjustments.

This is being demonstrated even right now as I put up more and more 100% balanced Banjo-Tooie songs:
The balance in every single song is spot-on with the game.

Since I am determined to provide the world with the "final" set of recordings for all of their favorite Nintendo 64 games, I can't accept this X-pan/arc-pan volume issue unless there is 100% no way to solve it.

Well, there is a way to solve it.
The way to solve it is to move the non-centered samples to their own tracks and use MIDI "expression" to handle them there.
Having done this in the past, it can create an explosion of tracks, and I can only record 16 at a time.  If you have 33 tracks, you have to record 16, then 16, then 1, and then combine their WAV's into the final song at the end.  My scripts do this for me and are accurate to the sample, but that means 3 recording sessions for 1 song.
If you move all the non-centered samples to their own tracks, you can easily end up with 60-100 tracks.

In short, there is a solution.  It's just slow and tedious and will increase the amount of work I have to do for each OST significantly.

But whatever it takes is whatever it takes.
I will record GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark both, one last time.

Just let me finish with Banjo-Tooie and Banjo-Kaoozie first.

I will also be announcing a new project related to GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark soon, and it's not small news.  I have an epic-level project starting up soon, far bigger and more exciting than these never-before CD-quality music release (a new never-before is coming), but I want to make a prototype before I give a full explanation/release.

L. Spiro

A level project? Like a new map? Or even better, a map pack? Sounds exciting! Can't wait to see it :)

L. Spiro:

--- Quote from: JamieF4178 on December 07, 2018, 01:32:52 am ---A level project? Like a new map? Or even better, a map pack? Sounds exciting! Can't wait to see it :)

--- End quote ---
As shown in my introductory post, I do indeed have the 3D level data and textures directly from GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark (I don’t just have musical assets) and other games.,8674.0.html
And it will indeed be used for what I will announce.

But this epic project involves Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, and more…
And it’s the kind that drives fans crazy, but what could it be…?

Just be sure you have a safe spot for your body to land when you faint from reading it.  Just a few more weeks…

L. Spiro

L. Spiro:
Perfectly balanced GoldenEye 007 (final recordings, forever) added to the playlist:
FLAC available for download:

Perfectly balanced final recordings of Perfect Dark in-progress.

L. Spiro

Captain George:
This is pretty neat, thanks!


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