Debriefing > General Goldeneye

GoldenEye 007 Music Revisted

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--- Quote from: L. Spiro on November 19, 2018, 05:02:18 am ---Just an update:
Complications after surgery have caused-
Keeping it simple.

I will die if I get an airplane as of now.  I am trying to recover just enough to get back to America, but there is a slight possibly that all of my work ends here.

I am afraid to say that I can't upload anything from here, so if I die then what is on the YouTube channel will be the end of it.  I will not be able to get my Perfect Dark recordings out.  They will die with me, to my greatest sadness and regret.

We have a plan to get me back to America, so please do not worry too much.  This is to eliminate confusion if I disappear.  People should know why the site might go dead.

That's all, and thank you all for enjoying them.  That's all I needed to feel fulfilled.

L. Spiro

--- End quote ---

Rest well, and don't overexert yourself. We hope you get better.

L. Spiro:
GoldenEye 007 redone: (same link as before).
It was re-recorded with the same settings as Perfect Dark so as to make them a consistent set.

The equipment I need for the Perfect Dark videos does not work and there will be no service until Monday.

The Mario Kart 64 set has been redone (link above is still valid).
While listening to all my songs during my 2-week trip to South Korea I couldn’t stand how muffled the Mario Kart 64 set was. I couldn’t tolerate listening to any of them, including Victory Lap, which is a very important song for me to enjoy—it’s one of the best in video-game history.

If I can’t stand my own recording of Victory Lap, there is a problem.

But as it turns out the Mario Kart 64 OST itself simply is muddy and muffled.

Enough of that crap. The world deserves better.

So the above (first post) Mario Kart 64 link will take you to my redone set.
Compare it to the game, CD release, or any other recording from the actual Mario Kart 64 OST and you will find a lack of mud and muffle, instead replaced with crispness, clarity, and brightness.

Enjoy that Rainbow Road and Victory Lap, for the first time ever this crisp, clear, and bright.

This was all done in a 33-hour marathon after returning back to America.
Time for sleep.

L. Spiro


--- Quote from: L. Spiro on November 25, 2018, 08:37:13 pm ---GoldenEye 007 redone: (same link as before).
It was re-recorded with the same settings as Perfect Dark so as to make them a consistent set.

The equipment I need for the Perfect Dark videos does not work and there will be no service until Monday.

The Mario Kart 64 set has been redone (link above is still valid).
While listening to all my songs during my 2-week trip to South Korea I couldn’t stand how muffled the Mario Kart 64 set was. I couldn’t tolerate listening to any of them, including Victory Lap, which is a very important song for me to enjoy—it’s one of the best in video-game history.

If I can’t stand my own recording of Victory Lap, there is a problem.

But as it turns out the Mario Kart 64 OST itself simply is muddy and muffled.

Enough of that crap. The world deserves better.

So the above (first post) Mario Kart 64 link will take you to my redone set.
Compare it to the game, CD release, or any other recording from the actual Mario Kart 64 OST and you will find a lack of mud and muffle, instead replaced with crispness, clarity, and brightness.

Enjoy that Rainbow Road and Victory Lap, for the first time ever this crisp, clear, and bright.

This was all done in a 33-hour marathon after returning back to America.
Time for sleep.

L. Spiro

--- End quote ---

It sounds a lot better man. Keep up the good work. Do you have a download link for this set of GoldenEye 007?

L. Spiro:
(I am a woman.)

The link for the FLAC should be around here:

Mario Kart 64 FLAC:
These will not be permanent links so get the while you can.

L. Spiro

L. Spiro:
Silo X has been updated and is not in the download pack:

The previous version sounded like hell on the ears:

L. Spiro


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