Editing and Customization > Community Content

New mode

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If you assign the token to a team other than the one the destroying player is on, you should be able to use this callback to detect touches:

--- Code: ---
def OnEnemyTokenTouched( self, token, player ):
--- End code ---

Otherwise I think

--- Code: ---
def CanPlayerHaveItem( self, player, item ):
--- End code ---

can block token pickups if you check and see if the name of the item is "weapon_token", delete it, and return false.

Anyway, gamemodes are indeed entirely server side, with the exception of text localization.  Sadly custom gamemodes need to hardcode their strings in one language or use already existing ones in the localization files but outside of this they should be entirely self contained.  Just post the gamemode's .py file and any custom AI files and that should be all you need.

As for posting the WIP version, I went ahead and moved this topic to the "Community Content" section, which is for discussing WIP content, so feel free to just post it here.  "Community Releases" is for the final release of a given piece of content, so be sure to make a new topic there when you feel the first version of the mode is finished.  I'm looking forward to playing this!

John Doom:
:) Thanks for moving the topic.

I mean actually getting if the token has been shot, not touched. Is it currently possible? Possibly also using some kind of health system, so that it takes more than one shot or an explosion to be destroyed.

I updated my first post with a testing build. Let me know what you think, guys :)

Ah, sorry, I misread that.

Sadly at the moment tokens only support touch interactions with players, so there's no real way to tell if they've been shot. 

Regardless, I'll stick the mode on my server and hopefully get a chance to play it tomorrow!

John Doom:
:) Thanks for your support. btw if it's a public server, let me know its name, I might join your game.

I liked it, Congratulations John Doom and thanks for sharing.
Edit: I already downloaded it ... I'll test it now!


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