Debriefing > General Goldeneye

Hey Everyone!

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Hello and welcome back! I'm Cpt. Lima; started playing with 5.0's release and I usually stream Friday/Saturday nights on Twitch at See you in-game!

Hello Everyone

Lol kinda lost my unused forums account
Well I'm glad that I'm back into the forums

I started playing GoldenEye: source since April 2017

my first in game Nickname was Nightwolvez
I usually try to play as much as possible :3

!GESROCKS Spread the word!!!!

See  ya ingame <3

Captain George:
H1 3V3VRY0N3!

Hello there Excidium, it's been a long while. Would like to see you ingame at some point! A ton has changed since the 4.x days.

Captain George:
Hey there, Josh Elms :).


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