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Ubuntu 16.04 x64 and Segmentation fault (core dumped)

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As for configuring a dedicated server, we have a few guides on our wiki:

I'd recommend starting with this article that explains what the various .cfg files are and do. Aside from what we have on the wiki, anything that isn't game-specific is usually the same as any other Source-engine game.

As for running the server without a user logged in, there's a couple ways I'd do it. One is with a systemd service file (so the server automatically runs as a service on startup, and can be controlled with service/sysctl).

The other way is using any of a number of available game control panels: UGCC, Pterodactyl, Open Game Panel, etc... The con here is that it's more setup, the pro is that you get control over the server through a website.

Ok, I'll follow your tips. Thank you very much!

Now I'm facing another issue...
The port 27015 is open by UFW, is not blocked by IDC, but I cannot connect by telnet to the server from outside.
Only this service has this issue, all other services I can connect normally to their respective ports that are allowed on the firewall.

I found the solution, I had to change to:

--- Code: ---
MALLOC_CHECK_=0 ./srcds_run -debug -game ./gesource/ +ip +port 27015 +maxplayers 12 +map ge_temple_classic
--- End code ---
Now is open.
Is there a specific config to be able to find the server on servers search by client side?
Or only this in server.cfg?

--- Quote ---sv_lan 0
--- End quote ---

Shouldn't need to do anything special to be able to find servers, other than keeping the ports (27015 UDP + TCP) open.

Ok, it's running.
Do you have a template/working script to autostart (start / stop) as a daemon with steam user?
I'm searching but nothing working well for now.


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