I am not the real Kurt Russell, unfortunately.
But don't be sad, I still can help you guys

Well, I am 30 y.o. and a GoldenEye enthusiast. The original 007:GE was the very first FPS experience to really catch me (same old story eh?). It got me both into 007 and shooting random players.
I discovered this wonderful little thing that you've been developing here just a couple days ago, and I am amazed - by both the game and the awesome community. But I got concerned when the guys started talking about how the game is under some risk of having the servers shut down by the lack of new players.
So I am enlisting myself to serve her majesty. And here are my skills for your appreciation:
1. I'm a Civil Engineer... ...so I can deal with 3d objects, buildings and ilumination. I mean, there's not much to prove here, so I will just throw you something that I can make in around 6 hours on Sketchup:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/i7p1y649mpaob2l/application_01.jpg?dl=02. I work with Unreal Engine 4And you work with Source! But hey, this is still a usefull skill. I've been studying UE4 in my free time since August - I've coursed a blueprint programming and level design/ilumination course and have been developing some systems since I finished it. You can see this work on the video I am linking right below (ignore the Portuguese narrative... I am actually an infiltrated international agent). Nah, I have made this video just to show my friends the systems I am working on, and I think you'll comprehend it just with the image. The animations are weird because they will be the last think I'll work on, these are provisory.
3. I can make, edit and configure textures and materialsAs you can also see in the video. The terrain textures you see there are (poorly) set up by me, using HD textures I downloaded and used as base (I can comercially use those textures, because I have a premium account on the source). The melee baton was made by me and exported/textured in like 15 minutes on Sketchup/Unreal. These textures can get even better if I configure them correctly, but I will use the excuse here that I am letting the graphical part of my game project for the end.
4. Old school mapper right hereI've mapped a lot for CS 1.3~1.5 using WorldCraft. Actually, half of the time spent was mapping and the other half was fixing leaks, but that is beside the point. Unfortunately, I can't prove you this badass skill because my maps are long lost and gone with the real Counter-Strike.
5. I can adaptIf I don't know it, I'll learn it.
6. Former Ultima Online GMShouldn't be proud of this one. This isn't even useful, is it?
7. You want animated sprites?BOOM! You got it. If I could have stated this inside item #3? Yea, but that would be one skill less to list here!
Well, I think that's all. I will leave below a bonus PDF with some images of a project I've made for my city's american football team. It was a lazy job (because of the deadline), but it's still an example. It took me around 30 hours of work I think... It lacks ilumination, some aesthetic work on the terrain and materials, vegetation... But, as I said, it's not been a long time since I've been working with Unreal to have a portfolio that shows my full knowledge.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6wyizot9n8ctsj6/FOTOS_FINAL.pdf?dl=1Let me know if you need someone like me

I'm even up to making a full remake of the single player missions if you ever thought about that.