Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes
[BUG] Arsenal step-up
Yep, you got it! It's ultimately a pretty simple fix, but I'll probably be recoding that part of arsenal so it's a bit easier for people to follow. I threw it together super fast and made use of all the code already present from previous versions, which was perhaps not the right way to go about it since it did make the interaction between levels and kills pretty convoluted at certain points.
Anyway the biggest piece of advice I have to avoid this kind of situation is to thoroughly test everything to ensure that it captures the intended functionality before standing behind it. A fix might stop one particular issue, but it can easily plug one hole to open several more if you're not careful and don't check everything. I was completely certain of what I was saying and -still- did a thorough test of both setups before writing my post.
Anyway I'm happy to help, and I appreciate that you made this commit with the intention of helping us, but it's very hard to justify doing too much for you since you're kind of actively stabbing me in the side right now with impersonating the dev team and all that. People need help with this stuff all the time, so it's really no issue for me to help out, but I do admit that I was questioning why I was being nice about it given the circumstances. I can't really afford to do this kind of thing too often or it gives people the idea that I like to help people who actively work against my responsibilities. Obviously I would like to avoid setting that precedent since every minute I spend dealing with people causing trouble is one I'm not spending on something productive. Given that, consider this a one time deal unless you seriously turn things around.
Your help is much honored and i give you respect for that, maybe a re-code would good, but now i think i hate arsenal and team arsenal because it takes away from the original game, but that's another topic. If i do more coding, I'll try to test things more thoroughly next time for sure, like you said we all have much to learn right?
On the other stuff please don't be too hasty, i removed all Weapon Skins, Dev Tags on the day you locked the thread, nobody is impersonating anyone. Not that it matters now though, i originally did this for the achievements because hardly any of the Dev's play, but that doesn't excuse that i could have probably privately disclosed in the beginning before activating those features.
I don't mean to beat a dead horse, so i won't. Thanks again, and i hope to see you in-game again sometime.
Wait, you did? Why did you not tell us? I mean, really, with a sincere apology and gesture of goodwill you'd be mostly back in good standing. I'm mostly just interested in making sure a few specific rules don't get violated, and that the position of the dev team on them is firm and clear. If I fail to do this and a precedent is set, everyone will do what they want and that just brings the whole game down. Obviously I don't want to fight with anyone if they're willing to respect the rules and not cause trouble, so showing that you're no longer doing that is a pretty big deal.
My intel suggested you were still doing the skins thing fairly recently, and since I had no reason to think otherwise I just assumed you kept up everything else too. You did kind of dig a huge hole for yourself when you went down guns blazing in the last thread, so it's not quite as simple as "Oh, you were serious? I'll stop now!", but if you still want to run servers and put in the effort to get soupcan and the rest of the team to forgive you then I don't have any reason to blacklist your servers anymore. It might not be easy, but if you work to undo the damage then I think that's a fair deal. Just don't let me catch you doing any of this again. If you're not sure about something feel free to ask me before you do it.
Outside of that, just respect boundaries and the possible effects your actions will have on others and there won't be any problems between us. I was mostly just booty-bothered because I thought you were doubling down. I'm trying to play at least a little bit these days so maybe we will get a few friendly games with eachother!
Well i went back to reply to the topic and it was closed, you did assume i wasn't going to follow your directions and i think that's why you locked it. I've already taken steps so i don't have to worry about being banned or not, so that wasn't my concern, but like i said I'm not enabling the functionality or planning too.
Turok (XGII) got banned for forums for something i did, with all the conclusions flying around there might have been mistakes on both of our parts, but it was at least 50/50 on all accounts, maybe 51/49 but i wont say which side. You have to admit that in some degree, unlocking skins is encouraged, but i understand the dev tag piece and impersonation is bad.
I would just like to see more dev's on the front lines, which would have probably alerted you too it from the beginning, instead it just so happens that someone just asked an innocent question, i don't think Turok was trying to antagonize anyone when he first posted, which is the stance the first dev's replied with.
The blacklist system is entirely implemented on the client, so if you've got a way around that from the server's perspective I'd love to know because it's moreso a tool that we need in general and not focused on you specifically.
And I mean like, yeah, I locked the topic because I said you had one more reply and then that was it. It didn't seem like you were going to change your mind, and you already rightfully pointed out it should have been locked before, so I figured it was in the interests of both parties to just have it over and done with. You're always free to continue the discussion on discord/steam/PM after the topic gets locked, locking the topic has more to do with not making us both look dumb by running around in circles in public.
Anyway if you really want to discuss XGII then you're free to add me on steam/discord about it. You don't need to feel responsible for his ban, he made it pretty clear that after we removed his one brightskins topic that he was determined to cause trouble over it. Our policy is usually to temp ban people for a few days to give them a chance to think things over and cool off, but it seemed like he was jumping right back into it. Mostly everyone wanted him banned before that whole topic even happened, but after another round of him throwing insults it was obvious things weren't going to get better. We were obviously wrong about him modding in dev tags, but that wasn't even a minor contributor to why he was banned. It was the spark that set the whole thing off, but don't hold yourself responsible for that. If it wasn't that it was going to be something else.
Anyway if you want to continue this discussion just add me on discord, since long responses are not the best way to discuss this kind of thing since it's hard to address any individual topic completely. But I will say that XGII can come back to the forums if he can make a serious gesture of apology to everyone he's attacked and gives us good reason to suspect he won't cause any more trouble. It's going to have to be some real work on his part though because he did upset a lot of people, and it's not fair to the rest of the team if I just start pardoning people and letting them hang around again to the ire of everyone they've upset. Banning isn't really a punishment so much as a last resort to keep the forums civil. If he can mend some fences and won't start attacking us the moment we disagree with him then there's no reason to keep him banned. It's just that...he might be a lot happier in another community and dwelling on this one might not do him any favors. Obviously the more people in our community the better, but I want them to all enjoy or at least tolerate eachother's company and the environment we've created. If that's difficult for someone then I don't want to ask them to suffer every second they're here just to keep the peace. It shows and it's not good for anyone.
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