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GoldenEye: Source - Status Report: May

<< < (10/10)

4 years and counting today. I still yearn to see the new Temple and Citadel levels. If not the full 5.1 update, how about just letting us get one of those levels? I want to believe that this mod isn't finally dead in the water but it's looking that way. I hope I'm wrong.

The mod's never dead as long as the community continues to keep it alive - I'm sure updates will come when they're ready; progress on a mod like this takes time, and there's still plenty of activity and maps to enjoy presently. For instance, join us every Saturday night after 9 p.m. EST for Community and Fun Night - it's always a blast, and it happens every single week! Several of the developers are often there, and every now and then there's some insight on things being worked on; they tend to keep details close to the chest - I'm sure as to not disappoint or set unreachable expectations - but it's always fun to play and hang out regardless. Hardly dead in the water.

My hope will never diiiiiiiie...


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