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GoldenEye: Source - Status Report: May
Well, SuperFlyMenace, I think at this stage in the mod's lifespan, these ".1" updates tend to be pretty big and cover a lot of territory - bigger than the ".1" suggests. I'm sure when it's polished and ready to be released, we'll all be blown away and it will be well worth the wait. Just look at how different 5.0 was from what came before it, and how that took off and drew so many new people into this community (myself included). Whether the next release happens a month from now... or another year, I'll still be playing every week just the same! #GESRocks
Damn right! This mod gets better with each release and I know the next update will be no exception! I definitely keep playing and will continue to wait as long as it takes to see the new awesomeness.
Now its been 3 years lol Damn, I can't wait to play Citadel!!!! ;D
Three years and two days later...
Can't decide if we'll see this or GoldenEye 25 happen first! And I say this with all due respect as not only that I can't do what these guys do but much less really complain when it comes down to it because they do it for free! But for now, the wait continues!
Yes, it would be cool to see an update soon - but keep in mind 5.0 is a ton of fun and has a regular following right *now*. I'm sure the time will come when a new version is released that tweaks the mod and gives us some cool new content, but we've already got a polished, very fun, still active mod right now - with hundreds of regulars playing all the time. Be pleasantly surprised and enjoy the ride whenever the next version is released, but for now, keep enjoying what we have! I know I do every week. !gesrocks
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