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GoldenEye: Source - Status Report: May

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A whole year later and still dying to see these new levels!

If there's one thing I've learned from a couple years of being a supporter and gamer on this mod, it's that these things take time, due to the nature of its development by volunteers... but are always well worth the wait.


--- Quote from: Graslu on October 27, 2017, 09:32:32 pm ---Removing them isn't a solution as Spry said, but I don't agree with what you said about other modes having no demand.
Most of times it goes like this:

1- New player downloads GE:S for the first time
2- Launches the game, opens the server browser
3- Looks for servers with people or simply arrange by population
4- Joins any server without reading the name, mode or anything
5- Plays.

It just takes a few players to get a server full, if those servers got a tiny enough community to have that, they have all the new players on their servers in just a few minutes. It doesn't mean there's no demand for other modes, it means they don't know better.

--- End quote ---

Well, I actively chose to play Arsenal and stuck with it, to each its own I guess.

P.D. How are you such a god at the game Graslu00?

Thank you, thank you, thank you for that reduced player limit. That's been the deterrent for me for a while. Having only 1 populated server that's always an overcrowded mess was killing it for me. Maybe now we can have 2 populated servers!

Also... Hi, to anyone who remembers me. :P Miss you guys.

Two years and two days later...
Still REALLY want to play these new levels and see the new updates!


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